World fitness federation   |   World body building federation



World Fitness Federation („Federation“) – is a social no profit seeking organization, supported by the Governmental, National and International Social Institutions, various Funds and Companies of various Countries as well as Private Physical Persons. The Federation activities cover all World Countries. To fulfill the Mission of the Federation, to reach the goals and tasks underlined in the Constitution of the Federation the Sponsors are giving their Financial Support. The Federation agrees to take the Financial Sponsorchip and to use it according the Law of the Sponsorchip and other current working Laws.

Today the Federation unites National Organizations and National Units from 123 Countries that represent all Continents. Every year the Federation in various Countries organizes over 60 Events.

The Rules of Sponsorship are to help the Sponsor to support the Federation.

After reading the Rules Sponsor is able to support the Federation.

The Sponsored Money can not be returned and it does not go back to the Sponsor.

Only the Sponsor is responsible for the truth of the information he has given to the Federation. Only the Sponsor is responsible for the Legal Background of the Sponsored Money. If the Federation is sponsored through a third person, the responsibility of it takes the Sponsor.

The Federation and the Administration of the International Site can change the Sponsorship Rules. Using the above mentioned Internet Site means that the Sponsor agrees with the Rules. All questions should be discussed through e.mail