World fitness federation   |   World body building federation





I.F.B.B. TODAY. COURTS AND FIGHTS.Long time I.F.B.B. accused other bodybuilding federations using doping. It is high time to speak about this. In 1970 F.I.H.C. General Secretary British OSCAR STATE created the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) sport federation in Belgrade (Yugoslavia). Until 1970 I.F.B.B. was just a private commercial company, not sport federation. In 1971 again OSCAR STATE opened doors of G.A.I.S.F. (Global Association of International Sports Federations)  to the I.F.B.B.. This way from and after the F.I.H.C. the I.F.B.B. took ruling leadership of the International official sport of bodybuilding. International sport was in shock. Soon in the USA was organized the A.A.U. International Council to stop I.F.B.B. membership in G.A.I.S.F.. I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER was present there. He was ready to join the A.A.U. with his new I.F.B.B.. The delegates did not listen to BEN WEIDER and voted not to let him to speak. Fall of bodybuilding sport started in 1998 when after two years trial I.O.C. refused to recognize the I.F.B.B. federation and bodybuilding sport in general.  Bodybuilding was thrown out of the officially recognized sports. Seeing no future WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN sold the I.F.B.B. federation, „Olympia“ contest and all their magazines. In 2008 I.F.B.B. split. I.F.B.B. Vice President PAUL CHUA (Singapore) left the I.F.B.B. of RAFAEL SANTONJA. PAUL CHUA took forty Asia Countries with him. Then PAUL CHUA and the Lower and financist of I.F.B.B. ALEX BAUER published I.F.B.B. juridical and finance documents. There was a big scandal about it. PAUL CHUA and RAFAEL SANTONJA met at International Court of London (UK) where RAFAEL SANTAONJA lost the case. In 2015 I.F.B.B. split again. During N.P.C. (National Physique Committee) professional contest I.F.B.B. President RAFAEL SANTONJA was offended and left America with tears. After this he never came to America again. So after 2015 N.P.C. of JIM MANION came to International Bodybuilding Stage. Since that time because of fierce fight between RAFAEL SANTONJA and JIM MANION bodybuilding sport was finished in total. There is no sport of bodybuilding today any more. Along to this the I.F.B.B. commercial company still goes on working. Nobody is interested in sport – only money... In 2023 G.A.I.S.F. (Global Association of International Sports Federations) was closed and I.F.B.B. lost it‘s last formal officiality. For many years I.F.B.B. propaganda was based only on G.A.I.S.F.. In 2023 W.A.D.A. declared stopping work with I.F.B.B..Those who are interested in real World bodybuilding history can read in various languages historic articles on International Page . 


During the times of WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN the I.F.B.B. was seeking Olympic (I.O.C.) recognition. The game of money flows between the I.F.B.B. sport federation and the I.F.B.B. commercial company was active. Now this game is not needed any more when bodybuilding is no more recognized sport. The I.F.B.B. crisis of 1990 was gone when many Socialist Countries joined the I.F.B.B.. It was not an ordinary joining. Socialist Countries came with governmental money. During all history of bodybuilding Ministries of Sport of any democratic country never supported financially bodybuilding. The exception was when World‘s bodybuilding sport was led by the F.I.H.C. federation which was I.O.C. member. Another case was when the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“( «Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») was set in 1987. Then bodybuilding sport got governmental recognition and governmental money. All other Socialist Countries did the same. Even now when bodybuilding is not sport any more former Socialist Countries use to finance national bodybuilding federations with governmental money. Except this - governmental money still comes to the I.F.B.B. through Asia Countries. Basic reason is that from the old F.I.H.C. times Asia bodybuilding federations are under national weightlifting federations which are I.O.C. members. Only this. There are no more sources of governmental money in the I.F.B.B.. We are sure that when National Sport Ministries will learn the truth about the I.F.B.B. the governmental financing will be stopped. During the last years on national governmental money I.F.B.B. makes comedy „world championships“, like it was in Latvia and Lithuania. Also remember big scandal about the I.F.B.B. Asia Championship in India with 5-6 Countries participating... Some time ago a big scandal was in Ukraine. The Ukraine I.F.B.B. President IGOR DELIJEV (Делиев Игорь) disappeared with five hundred thousand US dollars governmental bodybuilding support. Also let us remember big scandals with the RAFAEL SANTONJA‘s assistant Polish PAWEL FILEBORN.

More information we will publish soon. Documents and historic materials You can find on International Site