World fitness federation   |   World body building federation






Lots of bodybuilding federations today fool athletes and international sport society. It seems that athletes do not think at all. We will try to explain the essence and make clever people start thinking.

Try to get the answers:

- What is bodybuilding sport today?

- Why there are so many federations?

- What is an International federation?

- What are strategic aims of any federation?



We are presenting very detailed articles about various International federations in the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия Всемирного Культуризма»). Today the closest to real sport still is I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) federation. During the last thirty years many information is published in various languages in the International Site as well as in our magazines „Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness“ („Sportinis fitnesas ir kultūrizmas“, «Спортивный фитнес и культуризм»). Due to the big amount of facts we will publishe now shortly only main items. And even this way we will publishe materials in parts as the contemporary informational systems like „facebook“ do not alow to publishe long texts.

In 1969 the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee) member F.I.H.C., (Federation Internationale Halterophile et Culturiste, later I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation) federation refused to lead on the World‘s bodybuilding sport.

Time was running. The I.F.B.B. was not a sport federation. It was a private company. OSCAR STATE (1911 - 1984) thought that World‘s bodybuilding needed to set an International Sport Federation which will seek membership of the G.A.I.S.F. (General Association of International Sports Federations). We have no answer why the F.I.H.C. General Secretary OSCAR STATE started working with the businessmen JOE and BEN WEIDERS. For many years OSCAR STATE was working in F.I.H.C. together with BOB HOFFMAN (Robert Collins Hoffman, 1898 - 1985 m.)  and it was logical to go on working with him. Being professional in the official sport matters OSCAR STATE decided to establishe under International sport requirements a new International bodybuilding organization and that was the I.F.B.B.. By the way, undeR the intentions of BOB HOFFMAN in 1963 and in 1968 through F.I.H.C. in the U.S.S.R. was established the „International Bodybuilding organization“ (Comission). The U.S.S.R. was outside of the „Iron Wall“ then and due to political reasons the organization could not work together with the „West“. About this we will speak later.

Taking as an example the F.I.H.C. OSCAR STATE wrote the I.F.B.B. Constitution and the contest rules. He tought WEIDER brothers what to do and how to do. In 1970 OSCAR STATE  was leading the I.F.B.B. Congress in Belgrade (Yugoslavia). It is not clear why it was chosen Yugoslavia for this event.

Belgrade Congress changed the World‘s bodybuilding history for the folowing decades. During the first official I.F.B.B. Congress the official I.F.B.B. sport federation was set: (I.F.B.B. International Congress, September 4, 1970 m., Belgrade, Yugoslavia, get original documents: and in the „MUSCLE BUILDER/POWER“, June, 1971).

During five hours lasting Congress the I.F.B.B. Constitution and contest rules were presented and accepted. OSCAR STATE preposed to ellect BEN WEIDER  as the „I.F.B.B. life President „ and everybody agreed. This gave BEN WEIDER extraordinary power to rule the federation.

Personal abilities of OSCAR STATE were the main things to lead the new I.F.B.B. federation to the I.O.C. and G.A.I.S.F.. It opened financial support of Sport Ministries of the Socialist and Asia Countries to the I.F.B.B.. It lasts until now.

According the Congress documents plus to the I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER the I.F.B.B. Chairmen („I.F.B.B. Directors“) were on the lead together. That were JOE WEIDER (Chief Director) and JULLIEN BLOMMAERT (Belgium) too.

The article will be continued. We will speak about all World‘s traditional federations. It will be the truth which not everybody like. More information in various languages is on Global Site