World fitness federation   |   World body building federation








On October 1, 2023 the 28-th W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Europe Championship and traditional „Liepaja Classic“ were held in Liepaja, Republic of Latvia. A number of members of the U.N.E.S.C.O. (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) organization took part at the events. That were the 2023 U.N.E.S.C.O. „Ambassador of Peace“ («Посол Мира Ю.Н.Е.С.К.О. 2023 года»), the Rector of International Sport University (I.S.U., ректор Международного университета спорта), the International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS; Journalist, U.N.E.S.C.O. Award Holder, U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Pioneer VALERIJ KORESKOV (Lithuania); famous bodybuilder, U.N.E.S.C.O. Award Holder, Ukraine Bodybuilding Pioneer, Professor of four Universities VASILIJ BESPALENKO (Ukraine).

We want to underline that since 2017 I.S.U. is an associated member of U.N.E.S.C.O. at the U.N. (United Nations).

More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.




W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. International


No. Cert., Athlete's Name, Country.

23-001 Majid Tashakkorinia Iran

23-002 Vilma Poviloniene Lithuania

23-002 Martina Fric Slovakia

23-004 Palle Katring Rasmussen Denmark

23-005 Raimundas Urbanavicius Lithuania

23-006 Lukasz Kulinski Poland

23-007 Jelena Ivanova Latvia

22-001 Maris Sveiduks Latvia

22-002 Anna Sobolewska-Kucharska Poland

22-003 Natalia Miszkowska Poland

22-004 Vasilij Bespalenko Ukraine

21-001 Vidmantas Malakauskas Lithuania

21-002 Sergej Rybakov Latvia

21-003 Aleksejs Petkevics Latvia

21-004 Roman Polshin Estonia

20-001 Julija Magilinskaja Lithuania

19-001 Ulku Ece Erturk Turkey

19-002 Celal Orhan Bozkurt Turkey

19-003 Tareq Ahmet Mohammed Turkey

19-004 Olga Kolesova Lithuania

19-005 Moumita Mazumder India

19-006 Zina Usikova Belarus

19-007 Arkadiusz Demidowicz Poland

19-008 Aleksandr Pulbere Russia

19-009 Alex Dunnett UK

19-010 Ema Miliauskiene Lithuania

18-001 Golab Rabha India

18-002 Nerina Broggia Argentina

18-003 Oksana Filimonova Estonia

18-004 Amirhossein Pourezzat Malaysia

18-005 Maik Thies Germany

18-006 Tolga Murat Balikci Turkey

18-007 Vipnesh Kumar India

18-008 Igor Artemjev Russia

18-009 Valentina Zabiiaka Russia

18-010 Evelina Stulginskaite Lithuania

18-011 Hollie Jade Feeney UK

18-012 Hanna Kristina Skytta Finland

18-013 Ricardo Cordeiro Fernandes Brazil

18-014 Lilija Shcheklanova Russia

18-015 Burcin Bayraktar Turkey

18-016 Anas Nahhas Turkey

18-017 Nadir Kassab Turkey

18-018 Mohammad Maragheh Iran

18-019 Kalimorad Morteza Siah Iran

18-020 Hossin Reza Poor Iran

18-021 Tajik Gholam Reza Iran

18-022 Vahid Ashori Iran

18-023 Ali Moieni Iran

18-024 Hamid Solati Thailand

18-025 Mohammad Ali Norozkhan Iran

18-026 Shagmai Kushan India

17-013 Jason Flechner Germany

17-012 Sandro Piccirillo Germany

17-011 Hugo Rafael Brazil

17-010 Sergeii Iatsiuk Ukraine

17-009 Marcos Oloveira Dumont Brazil

17-008 Eduard Sevcenko Latvia

17-007 Marina Legenzova Lithuania

17-006 Jana Zykiene Lithuania

17-005 Evgenij Baishev Russia

17-004 Rahul Joshi India

17-003 Anita Lakatos Serbia

17-002 Ugne Kukyte Lithuania

17-001 Sandra Mockute Lithuania

16-011 Hassan Benmestoura Belgium

16-010 Jorg Fuchs Germany

16-009 Vilma Naruse Lithuania

16-008 Asta Butkute Lithuania

16-007 Jannie Coetzee South Africa

16-006 Liudmila Kakaulina Russia

16-005 Christopher Mewes Germany

16-004 Katja Bongart Germany

16-003 Marina Putzinger Germany

16-002 Arslanel Ödül Turkey

16-001 Souto Glayson Brazil

15-004 Marina Vlasova Russia

15-003 Liudmila Senciugova Russia

15-002 Sintia Katkevica Latvia

15-001 Sylvester James Scotland-Nigeria

14-007 Andrej Choroneko Belarus

14-006 Andrej Rumiancev Estonia

14-005 Leonor Greffel Denmark-Mozambique

14-004 Jelena Kursanova Russia

14-003 Sean Fergusson UK

14-002 Jagjeet Singh India

14-002 Roberto Reinaldo Portugal-UK

14-001 Evelyn Dirocie Belgium

13-005 Olga Samak Belarus

13-004 Reza Bagherzadeh Iran

13-003 Jelena Volkova Russia

13-002 John Leslie South Africa

13-001 Nikolaj Vorobjov Russia





World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation


„2023 Liepaja Classic“

October 1, 2023, Liepaja, Latvian Republic

Participated Countries: Ukraine Republic, Slovak Republic, Republic of Poland, Lithuanian Republic, Latvian Republic, Russian Federation

HONOUR GUESTS: 2023 U.N.E.S.C.O. „Ambassador of Peace“, Rector of International Sport University, International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS; Journalist, U.N.E.S.C.O. Award Holder, U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Pioneer VALERIJ KORESKOV (Lithuania); U.N.E.S.C.O. Award Holder, Ukraine Bodybuilding Pioneer, Professor of 4 Universities VASILIJ BESPALENKO (Ukraine)

Over All Champions and Category Winners

Over All Women Categories Champion – ANNA SOBOLEWSKA KUCHARSKA (Poland)

Over All men Categories Champion – MARTYNAS PAKALNIS (Lithuania)

Disabled Category – DABROWSKI GREGORZ (Poland)

Junior‘s Category – BERNARDS MURNIEKS (Latvia)

 „Bikini Category – JAKABSONE BEATRISE (Latvia)

„Miss Fitness“ Category – CIMBARE AGATE (Latvia)

„Miss Figure“ Category -   ANNA SOBOLEWSKA KUCHARSKA (Poland)

Women‘s Senior Category - ANNA SOBOLEWSKA KUCHARSKA (Poland)

Men‘Aerobic Fitness – VASILIJ BESPALENKO (Ukraine)

Men‘s Physique Category – ELSTNER PRZEMYSLAW (Poland)

Men‘s Bodybuilding Classic - GAVEIKA EDGARDAS (Lithuania)

Men‘s Bodybuilding Open – MARTYNAS PAKALNIS (Lithuania)

Men‘s Senior Category – BERZINS VALTERS (Latvia).


MARIS SVEIDUKS - Judges Chairman (Latvia)








SVETLANA PUGACHEVA - International Secretary

More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.












 (September 30, 2023, Klaipeda, Lithuania).

HONOUR GUESTS: 2023 U.N.E.S.C.O. „Ambassador of Peace“, Rector of International Sport University, International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS; Journalist, U.N.E.S.C.O. Award Holder, U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Pioneer VALERIJ KORESKOV (Lithuania); U.N.E.S.C.O. Award Holder, Ukraine Bodybuilding Pioneer, Professor of 4 Universities VASILIJ BESPALENKO (Ukraine)



„Amber Prix International“

Women – Vilma Poviloniene (Lithuania)

Men – Aleksej Lapsin (Estonia)

World Amateur Championship

Women Categories – Anna Siobolewska – Kucharska (Poland)

Men Categories – Lukasz Kulinski (Poland)

Girls „Fit – Kids“ - Patricija Kmitaite (Lithuania)

Boys „Fit – Kids“ - Virgil Katring – Rasmussen (Denmark)

Women Aerobic Fitness – Marija Steponaviciute – (Lithuania)

Men Aerobic Fitness – Vasilij Bespalenko (Ukraine)

Disabled Categories – Dabrowski Grzegorz Piotr (Poland)

Junior Categories – Devid Melikov (Russia)

Women Bikini Categories – Valeria Nilova (Estonia)

Women Seniors Over 40 – Jelena Ivanova (Latvia)

Men Muscle Model Categories – Aleksandr Orlov (Estonia)

Men Seniors Over 60 years -  Romanov Dmytro (Ukraine)

Pairs - Anna Siobolewska – Kucharska and Lukasz Kulinski (Poland)

Professional World Championship

Men Categories – Marosz Kanasz (Slovakia)

Women Categories Anna Siobolewska – Kucharska (Poland)

Bodybuilding Athletic Categories – Lukasz Kulinski (Poland)

Pro Bikini Categories – Vilma Poviloniene (Lithuania)

Pro Fit Model Categories – Jelena Ivanova (Latvia)

Pro Seniors Over 50 years – Palle Katring – Rasmussen (Denmark)

Pro Seniors Over 60 years – Vidmantas Malakauskas (Lithuania)

Pro Seniors Over 70 years – Vasilij Bespalenko (Ukraine)

Professional Europe Championship

Women Categories – Martina Fric (Slovakia)

Men Categories – Raumundas Urbanavicius (Lithuania)

National Championship Lithuania

Women Categories – Alina Pelepko

Men Categories – Vidmantas Malakauskas.

International Judges

Jurans Normunds (Latvia)

Jekaterina Markelova (Ukraine)

Vytautas Mikuckis (Lithuania)

Roman Gurjev (Estonia)

Rafal Truskawa (Poland)

Karina Bagazkova (Latvia)

Akvile Sarkaite (Lithuania)

Aleksandra Kukres (Lithuania)

Jurij Stepanov (Lithuania)

Anatolij Potapenko (Lithuania)

Aleksas Stankus (Lithuania)

Marina Legenzova (Lithuania)

International Secretaries – Svetlana Pugacheva, Ugne Raudyte Daubariene

Backstage Judge – Darius Daubaras.

More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.






Bodybuilding sport was still prohibited but bodybuilders of the Socialist countries felt comming „perestrojka“.

The year of 1982 traditionally started in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) with „Amber Prix International‘ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). We would like to underline that since 1978 „Amber Prix International“ was the „unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ («неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). Best U.S.S.R. bodybuilders participated at thie event. It became possible after when in 1978 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) wrote bodybuilding defending petition and personally brought it to the highest U.S.S.R. political Institutions in Moscow (read about this in various languages in details in our articles at the

Bodybuilders of six countries took part at the 1982 „Amber Prix International“. The Over All Winners were RICARDAS PETRAUSKAS (Juniors) and EUGENE GORELIK (Евгений Горелик, Main Categories). Both from the Lithuanian SSR.

In 1982 bodybuilding organizers of the Estonian SSR still were fighting in between. Brothers ARRO left our sport, OLEV ANNUS emigrated to Finland. Though the Chairman of the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR was PRANAS MICKEVICIUS but bodybuilders supported INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002).

There were two teams of the Estonian SSR at the 1982 „Amber Prix International“. One was of PRANAS MICKEVICIUS and another of INNAR MARDO.

Traditional 1982 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) in Tallinn (Estonian SSR) was not the best. Only 31 bodybuilders participated at the competition. The Over All Winners were Lithuanians RAIMONDAS PETRAITIS (Juniors) and SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (Main Categories).

1982 „Comsomok Cup“ («Кубок комсомола», „Komjaunimo taurė“) was organized in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR). Junior Category Winners were Lithuanians RAIMONDAS PETRAITIS, SAULIUS MIKUCKIS, EDMUNDAS GUDAVICIUS, Main Category Winners were STANISLAV POLIAKOV (Станислав Поляков, Latvian SSR) and Lithuanians ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS, ALBERTAS BESAKIRSKAS.

Two teams of the Estonian SSR went to 1982 „Trener“ contest in the Czechoslovakian SSR. One was led by PRANAS MICKEVICIUS and another by INNAR MARDO. First time bodybuilders of the Lithuanian SSR took part at this competition. The Category Winners were Lithuanians EUGENE GORELIK, VLADAS KAPCEVICIUS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS and LUBOMIR MATEJICKA from the Czechoslovakian SSR. The Over All Winner was SAULIUS MISEVICIUS.

In 1982 a representative of the U.S.S.R. first time visite I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) World Championship. It was held in Belgium. That was secretary of the „Unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («неофициальная «Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. For this he had to fool the U.S.S.R. officials. ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS managed to get into a cruise ship to Europe Countries. This way he reached Belgium and attended the World Championship. The time of cruise and championship was the same. As told by ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS the organizers met him warmly. But knowing no foreign languages he could make pictures with I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER nad ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. Nothing more. But after meeting represntatives of Czechoslovakia SSR ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS communicated with then in Russian free. When competition ended ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS received zero attention and was left alone. Then at the 1982 I.F.B.B. World Championship winners were: USA bodybuilders JAMES GAUBERT, DALE RUPLINGER, LEE HANEY and Turkish AHMET ENUNLU.

In 1989 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS clearly understood that ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS does not understand any foreign language. During active correspondance and a number of personal meetings with BEN WEIDER DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS bacame a real friend of him. In 1989 as a friend BEN WEIDER invited DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to Paris (France). The 1989 I.F.B.B. World Championships were held in Paris at that time. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took ROMANAS KALINAUSTAS together. During a number of long lasting discussions DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and BEN WEIDER learned about the total unintelligence of ROMANAS KALUNAUSKAS in knowing languages. He totally was not understanding about what both friend were talking. 

It was extremelly dificult to go to Capitalist countries at the Socialist times. For an ordinary people it was impossible. During the eight and nineth decades of the last century of all Socialist countries only a bodybuilding trainer LUDEK NOSEK (Marianske Lazne, Czechoslovakian SSR) had a privilege to travel to Capitalist countries constantly. For many years he was the organizer of the „Sandow“ contest. Wife of LUDEK NOSEK was working as a stewardess on International flights of the airlines of the Czechoslovakian SSR. Her work permitted to go to any of the World countries with her husbund once a year. This way representing National Bodybuilding Federation of the Czechoslovakian SSR LUDEK NOSEK was present at many I.F.B.B. World Championships that were held in various Capitalist countries. 


Participated 68 bodybuilders from Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Belorussian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, R.S.F.S.R..



First Weight Category


2. SHILO NIKOLAJ (Шило Николай, Belorussian SSR)


Second Weight Category


2. KOROLKOV ANDREJ (Корольков Андрей, Lithuanian SSR)


Third Weight Category




Main Categories

First Weight Category

1. GORELIK EUGENE (Горелик Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)

2. BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ (Богданович Валерий, Belorussian SSR)

3. ALEKSANDROVIC VLADIMIR (Александрович Владимир, Belorusian SSR)

Second Weight Category



3. POTAPOV PAVEL (Потапов Павел, Lithuanian SSR)

Third Weight Category

1. AJU ARKADI (Estonian SSR)



Fourth Weight Category

1. ZURCEV EUGENE (Журцев Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)


3. TARASOV ARKADIJ (Тарасов Аркадий, R.S.F.S.R.).

Over All Winners


More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.






Bodybuilding sport was still prohibited but bodybuilders of the Socialist countries felt comming „perestrojka“.

The year of 1982 traditionally started in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) with „Amber Prix International‘ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). We would like to underline that since 1978 „Amber Prix International“ was the „unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ («неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). Best U.S.S.R. bodybuilders participated at thie event. It became possible after when in 1978 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) wrote bodybuilding defending petition and personally brought it to the highest U.S.S.R. political Institutions in Moscow (read about this in various languages in details in our articles at the

Bodybuilders of six countries took part at the 1982 „Amber Prix International“. The Over All Winners were RICARDAS PETRAUSKAS (Juniors) and EUGENE GORELIK (Евгений Горелик, Main Categories). Both from the Lithuanian SSR.

In 1982 bodybuilding organizers of the Estonian SSR still were fighting in between. Brothers ARRO left our sport, OLEV ANNUS emigrated to Finland. Though the Chairman of the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR was PRANAS MICKEVICIUS but bodybuilders supported INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002).

There were two teams of the Estonian SSR at the 1982 „Amber Prix International“. One was of PRANAS MICKEVICIUS and another of INNAR MARDO.

Traditional 1982 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) in Tallinn (Estonian SSR) was not the best. Only 31 bodybuilders participated at the competition. The Over All Winners were Lithuanians RAIMONDAS PETRAITIS (Juniors) and SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (Main Categories).

1982 „Comsomok Cup“ («Кубок комсомола», „Komjaunimo taurė“) was organized in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR). Junior Category Winners were Lithuanians RAIMONDAS PETRAITIS, SAULIUS MIKUCKIS, EDMUNDAS GUDAVICIUS, Main Category Winners were STANISLAV POLIAKOV (Станислав Поляков, Latvian SSR) and Lithuanians ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS, ALBERTAS BESAKIRSKAS.

Two teams of the Estonian SSR went to 1982 „Trener“ contest in the Czechoslovakian SSR. One was led by PRANAS MICKEVICIUS and another by INNAR MARDO. First time bodybuilders of the Lithuanian SSR took part at this competition. The Category Winners were Lithuanians EUGENE GORELIK, VLADAS KAPCEVICIUS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS and LUBOMIR MATEJICKA from the Czechoslovakian SSR. The Over All Winner was SAULIUS MISEVICIUS.

In 1982 a representative of the U.S.S.R. first time visite I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) World Championship. It was held in Belgium. That was secretary of the „Unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («неофициальная «Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. For this he had to fool the U.S.S.R. officials. ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS managed to get into a cruise ship to Europe Countries. This way he reached Belgium and attended the World Championship. The time of cruise and championship was the same. As told by ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS the organizers met him warmly. But knowing no foreign languages he could make pictures with I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER nad ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. Nothing more. But after meeting represntatives of Czechoslovakia SSR ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS communicated with then in Russian free. When competition ended ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS received zero attention and was left alone. Then at the 1982 I.F.B.B. World Championship winners were: USA bodybuilders JAMES GAUBERT, DALE RUPLINGER, LEE HANEY and Turkish AHMET ENUNLU.

In 1989 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS clearly understood that ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS does not understand any foreign language. During active correspondance and a number of personal meetings with BEN WEIDER DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS bacame a real friend of him. In 1989 as a friend BEN WEIDER invited DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to Paris (France). The 1989 I.F.B.B. World Championships were held in Paris at that time. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took ROMANAS KALINAUSTAS together. During a number of long lasting discussions DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and BEN WEIDER learned about the total unintelligence of ROMANAS KALUNAUSKAS in knowing languages. He totally was not understanding about what both friend were talking. 

It was extremelly dificult to go to Capitalist countries at the Socialist times. For an ordinary people it was impossible. During the eight and nineth decades of the last century of all Socialist countries only a bodybuilding trainer LUDEK NOSEK (Marianske Lazne, Czechoslovakian SSR) had a privilege to travel to Capitalist countries constantly. For many years he was the organizer of the „Sandow“ contest. Wife of LUDEK NOSEK was working as a stewardess on International flights of the airlines of the Czechoslovakian SSR. Her work permitted to go to any of the World countries with her husbund once a year. This way representing National Bodybuilding Federation of the Czechoslovakian SSR LUDEK NOSEK was present at many I.F.B.B. World Championships that were held in various Capitalist countries. 

1982 „Georg Tenno Memorial“


31 bodybuilder from Countries participated: Estonian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR, Belorussian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Ukrainian SSR.


First Weight Category


2. SHILO NIKOLAJ (Шило Николай, Belorussian SSR)

3. SOLOVJOV IVAN (Соловьёв Иван, Lithuanian SSR)

Second Weight Category



3. BISSIKERSKIJ DMITRIJ (Биссикирский Дмитрий, Lithuanian SSR)

Third Weight Category




Main Categories

First Weight category


2. OVCINIKOV OLEG (Овчинников Олег, R.S.F.S.R.)

3. STEPANOV VLADIMIR (Степанов Владимир, R.S.F.S.R.)

Second Weight category

1. OTSUS INDREK (Estonian SSR)

2. KOSENKO PAVEL (Косенко Павел, Estonian SSR)

3. SHEMURATOV FIODOR (Шемуратов Фёдор, Ukrainian SSR)

Third Weight Category

1. AJU ARKADIJ (Estonian SSR)



Fourth Weight Category


2. ZURCEV EUGENE (Журцев Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)

3. KOROLKOV ALEKSANDR (Корольков Александр, Lithuanian SSR).

Over All Winners


More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.




Everyone‘s personality depends on many items. One of them is – basing on which position a personality analizes all happenings. We mean bodybuilders, of course. Do you think of this as a sportsman, as a trainer or organizer or you think as an International Leader? Specialists of our sport scrutinize the same documents and the same basics but everybody of them evaluate the same items on a different way. Then we may look if this specialist is of a local level or he represents the International one. The specialist must get himself above the happenings of his time and he must look on everything like a flying bird high in the sky. Otherwise he can not understand waht is going on.
In the U.S.S.R. there were only few personalities who could think wide in the very beginning of bodybuilding. The representatives of various regions of the U.S.S.R. mostly were thinking in a narrow way. For example, Tiumen gym trainer JEVGENIJ KOLTUN (Евгений Колтун, R.S.F.S.R.) always represented a gym level and nothing more. The same was with a Kaliningrad trainer JURIJ SMOLIAKOV (Юрий Смоляков, R.S.F.S.R.) and with a Severodvinsk trainer the U.S.S.R. Champion ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов, R.S.F.S.R.). The same was with a Leningrad gym trainer VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин, R.S.F.S.R.). A representative of Riga (Latvian SSR) FELIKS SAJKOVSKIJ (Феликс Сайковский) and nearly all representatives of the Lithuanian SSR were on the same local level of understanding. There were no more active bodybuilding organizers in the U.S.S.R. at that time but only those we mentioned only. The exception could be the General Secretary of the formal „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“  («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS (Романас Калинаускас). How we can understand this „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ when bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R. is prohibited? It had totally no power. But unfortunatelly all activities of ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS were done through intrigues and blackmailing of his sport friends to the Communist political powers. Knowing no foreign languages ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS was separated from the World and could not understand the International process. Another exceptional person was INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002, Tallinn, Estonian SSR). He also did not know any foreign language and worked only in Estonia. Even to do anything on the U.S.S.R. level he had no interest. But on regular basis organized by INNAR MARDO „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests gave him a huge prestige and respect of others. One more exception was DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. During the period of bodybuilding prohibition he organized illegal „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Lithuanian SSR) contests in 1974, 1975, 1976 and in 1977. Wishing to defend bodybuilding sport DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several years was in correspondence with the Ministry of Sport of the U.S.S.R. („U.S.S.R. Goskomsport“, Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.). Finally received from the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport a negatyve answer DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote a bodybuilding defending petition and personally brought it to Moscow. He presented the petition to the highest U.S.S.R. political powers:  to the Central Committee of the U.S.S.R. Communist Party  (Центральный Комитет Коммунистической партии С.С.С.Р.), to the U.S.S.R. Supreme Council (Верховный Совет С.С.С.Р.) and to the U.S.S.R. Ministry Council (Совет Министров С.С.С.Р.) and to the U.S.S.R. cental political newspapers  „Pravda“ («Правда») and „Izvestija“ («Известия»). In 1978 due to the petition of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the U.S.S.R. political powers gave him permition to organize „Amber Prix International“ in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR).
Leaders do not like a stable life. A Leader of any kind has courage and resposibility. Leaders always seek the result end never doubt if they will not succeed. At the same time the majority does nothing. They sit  in silence. So who was the bodybuilding Leader in the U.S.S.R.? The very similar to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS life was of his friends in sport: the President I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) BEN WEIDER, also the similar way of life was of the President N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) OSCAR HEIDENSTAM and W.A.B.B.A. (World Amateur Body Building Association) President SERGE NUBRET. The same similar way was of the General Secretary F.I.H.C. (Federation Internationale Halterophile et Culturiste) International OSCAR STATE.
Not knowing foreign languages narrowed possibilities of INNAR MARDO, but DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS assisted and helped him always. ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS did not know any foreign language and he always worked to be close to the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport. To say more he did his best to be close to the U.S.S.R. Weightlifting Federation (Федерация тяжёлой атлетики С.С.С.Р.). That were his top items for respect and loyality. But what he could get out of this when bodybuilding was prohibited in the U.S.S.R.? Just nothing.
While studying English and German philology at the Vilnius State University DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS did several attempts to unite gyms of Vilnius City. Nobody else never tried to do this. Anyway bodybuilding was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and bodybuilders were afraid to do anything.
It is easy to speak when the work is done and everything goes smoothly. But at the moment to fight agaist bodybuilding prohibition no one supported DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. No one. Today being already old many former U.S.S.R. bodybuilding organizers and bodybuilders try to „be Facebook friends“ of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Fine. But where they were at the hard times of risky fighting?
During the fifty years of his bodybuilding activities there was a number of „deputies“ and assistants of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Many wanted to take the place of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and to go on doing the same. No one succeeded.
Many disliked the stormy activities of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Especially when he succeeded in his work. And he did. Having no wish to get into the intrigues of such people DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS got into the Vilnius State University in 1979 again. This time DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS studied law after he received the speciality of the phylology before. And again he succeeded. The same happened with INNAR MARDO. He was pressed by the people of envy and hate to leave his work and positions after the intriques in the formal Bodybuilding Federattion of the Estonian SSR. INNAR MARDO did not succeed to come back in full power again. There were several attemps but he was never back to the former normal situation. Hate and envy of his bodybuilding collegues ruined his life in sport. This information is based on the letters of INNAR MARDO to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS.
Klaipeda bodybuilding was always a „Separate Republic“. And still is. It was in Lithuania, in the U.S.S.R. and Internationally now. It was based on the social and juridical status, on the International level - remember the World Bodybuilding Leaders whom we have mentioned above. International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is involved in the work of a number of International organizations which are collaborating with U.N. (United Nations) and U.N.S.E.C.O. (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Who else was in the same position? The road was long. Much work and  studies were needed.
In 2011 the Official Visit of the President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was organized to Vatican. Listening about the Bodybuilding activities during the years of prohibition of this sport in the Socialist Countries the Vatican Congregat Perfect Cardinal J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO (Кардинал Иозеф Томко) was interested very much. Very big interest was shown to the bodybuilding defending petition of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the victory that was achieved due to this. J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO positively evaluated our efforts to fight for the Bodybuilding Sport recognition and at once he named DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS as the „disident of the Communist Regime“. For this work done the Vatican Congregat Perfect Cardinal J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO presented the Original Vatican Pontific Medal (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI) to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Federation EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Headquarters State Vatican, Cita del Vaticano, March 29, 2011).
During the last decades DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS had meetings and spoke about various International questions with the President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL (Президент Парламента Австрии профессор Альфред Герстл), the Prime Minister of the Republic Slovakia VLADIMIR MECIAR (премьер министр Словакии Владимир Мечиар), the Prime Minister of the Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO (премьер министр Словакии Роберт Фицо), President Parliament Republic Slovakia JAN FIGEL (президент Парламента Словакии Ян Фигель), President Parliament Republic Lithuania ARUNAS VALINSKAS (президент Парламента Литвы Арунас Валинскас), Prime Minister Republic Lithuania GEDIMINAS KIRKILAS (премьер министр Литвы Гедиминас Киркилас), Prime Minister Republic Lithuania ALGIRDAS BUTKEVICIUS (премьер министр Литвы Альгирдас Буткявичус) and other High State officials of various Asia and Europe Countries.
Crowning the fifty years of bodybuilding activities of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS Russia journalists call him “The Father of Russia Bodybuilding” («Отец российского культуризма»).
In 2015 at the International contest in front of a number of Members of the Parliament Republic Lithuania the representative of the Government Republic Lithuania ANTANAS VINKUS (Антанас Винкус) named DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the „Lithuania Embassador for the World“ («Амбассадор Литвы в мире»). Then National Teams of America, Asia, Africa and Europe took part at this event.
It is easy to speak when the work is done and everything goes smoothly. But at the moment to fight agaist bodybuilding prohibition no one supported DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. No one. Today being already old many former U.S.S.R. bodybuilding organizers and bodybuilders try to „be Facebook friends“ of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Fine. But where they were at the hard times of risky fighting?
During the fifty years of his bodybuilding activities there was a number of „deputies“ and assistants of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Many wanted to take the place of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and to go on doing the same. No one succeeded.
Many disliked the stormy activities of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Especially when he succeeded in his work. And he did. Having no wish to get into the intrigues of such people DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS got into the Vilnius State University in 1979 again. This time DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS studied law after he received the speciality of the phylology before. And again he succeeded. The same happened with INNAR MARDO. He was pressed by the people of envy and hate to leave his work and positions after the intriques in the formal Bodybuilding Federattion of the Estonian SSR. INNAR MARDO did not succeed to come back in full power again. There were several attemps but he was never back to the former normal situation. Hate and envy of his bodybuilding collegues ruined his life in sport. This information is based on the letters of INNAR MARDO to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS.
Klaipeda bodybuilding was always a „Separate Republic“. And still is. It was in Lithuania, in the U.S.S.R. and Internationally now. It was based on the social and juridical status, on the International level - remember the World Bodybuilding Leaders whom we have mentioned above. International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is involved in the work of a number of International organizations which are collaborating with U.N. (United Nations) and U.N.S.E.C.O. (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Who else was in the same position? The road was long. Much work and  studies were needed.
In 2011 the Official Visit of the President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was organized to Vatican. Listening about the Bodybuilding activities during the years of prohibition of this sport in the Socialist Countries the Vatican Congregat Perfect Cardinal J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO (Кардинал Иозеф Томко) was interested very much. Very big interest was shown to the bodybuilding defending petition of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the victory that was achieved due to this. J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO positively evaluated our efforts to fight for the Bodybuilding Sport recognition and at once he named DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS as the „disident of the Communist Regime“. For this work done the Vatican Congregat Perfect Cardinal J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO presented the Original Vatican Pontific Medal (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI) to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Federation EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Headquarters State Vatican, Cita del Vaticano, March 29, 2011).
During the last decades DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS had meetings and spoke about various International questions with the President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL (Президент Парламента Австрии профессор Альфред Герстл), the Prime Minister of the Republic Slovakia VLADIMIR MECIAR (премьер министр Словакии Владимир Мечиар), the Prime Minister of the Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO (премьер министр Словакии Роберт Фицо), President Parliament Republic Slovakia JAN FIGEL (президент Парламента Словакии Ян Фигель), President Parliament Republic Lithuania ARUNAS VALINSKAS (президент Парламента Литвы Арунас Валинскас), Prime Minister Republic Lithuania GEDIMINAS KIRKILAS (премьер министр Литвы Гедиминас Киркилас), Prime Minister Republic Lithuania ALGIRDAS BUTKEVICIUS (премьер министр Литвы Альгирдас Буткявичус) and other High State officials of various Asia and Europe Countries.
Crowning the fifty years of bodybuilding activities of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS Russia journalists call him “The Father of Russia Bodybuilding” («Отец российского культуризма»).
In 2015 at the International contest in front of a number of Members of the Parliament Republic Lithuania the representative of the Government Republic Lithuania ANTANAS VINKUS (Антанас Винкус) named DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the „Lithuania Embassador for the World“ («Амбассадор Литвы в мире»). Then National Teams of America, Asia, Africa and Europe took part at this event.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation






56 years working W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International is directly connected with the „Amber Prix International“ («Янтарный приз», „Gintarinia prizas“, 1968 - 2023) contest. „Amber Prix International“ is one of the World‘s oldest traditional historic competition still organized in the World. The value of the „Amber Prix International“ was alvays evident and always many known sport organizers of various Countries use to be present there.

Through all history of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. good relations of the International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the historic bodybuilding leaders  of the all main traditional International Bodybuilding organizations were in the background. And that were the Owner and the President of International I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) BEN WEIDER, the President of N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) OSCAR HEIDENSTAM, the President of W.A.B.B.A. (World Amateur Body Building Association) International SERGE NUBRET.

There were moments in the history of the World Bodybuilding when the International leaders connected DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for friendly help and assistance.

In 1970 at the I.F.B.B. Belgrade (Yugoslavia) International Congress SERGE NUBRET was appointed to the position of the I.F.B.B. Vice President. In 1976 SERGE NUBRET set another International organization of W.A.B.B.A. as he explains „to fight with the I.F.B.B.“. Then the conflict between BEN WEIDER  and SERGE NUBRET reached the highest point in the Court. Then in 1985 SERGE NUBRET  sent to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS twenty pages of the confident I.F.B.B. documents asking to support him. That was very personal information about BEN WEIDER  and we never published this anywhere.

The I.F.B.B. International and the I.F.B.B. U.S.S.R. (established in 1987) as well always were suffering of inside intriques and conflicts. First let us remember the famous weightlifting Olympic Champion JURIJ VLASOV (Юрий Власов)  and how badly he was treated when he was elected to the position of the President of the U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation. In 1991 President of the U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation VASILIJ CHAIKOVSKI (Василий Чайковский) was removed from his position by VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин). Feeling frustrated of this unfair action VASILIJ CHAIKOVSKIJ imediatelly came to Lithuania. He was looking for support of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in his relations with BEN WEIDER.

Fifteen years ago understanding that International Bodybuilding Sport is in awful situation WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN sold their magazines and „Olympia“  Contest and got rid of the I.F.B.B.. After this WAYNE DE MILIA was dismissed from the position of the Director of the I.F.B.B. Professional League. Until that he run this position for many years. Then in 2006 WAYNE DE MILIA established his own organization „Pro Division Inc.“ and addressed DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to support him. From that time we have heard nothing about „Pro Division Inc.“.

Fighting in between in 2009  and in 2015 I.F.B.B. split two times. First I.F.B.B. was divided between assistant of BEN WEIDER Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA  and the I.F.B.B. Vice President PAUL CHUA from Singapore. At that moment PAUL CHUA was supported only by fifty Asia and Arab Countries. At that time they had idea even to join the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International. Then PAUL CHUA  and Sheikh of UAE AL SHAFAR came to London (U.K.) to fight with RAFAEL SANTONJA in the Court. PAUL CHUA  addressed DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to support him, but DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS could not come to London as there was European Championship in Lithuania at that time. Also PAUL CHUA and Sheikh AL SHAFAR could not come to Lithuania as they had no E.U. visas. The deal was closed. Some time later PAUL CHUA and the I.F.B.B. Lower ALEX BAUER (Austria) sent 600 pages of I.F.B.B. juridical and financial documents and asked to publish them. We did it as they asked.

In 1991 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and German KLAUS P.J. HOFFMANN started a new International W.F.F. federation. Both were basing on the since 1968 still lasting history of „Amber Prix International“ and basing on various sport organizations that were connected with it.  In 2014 KLAUS P.J. HOFFMANN closed his part of the W.F.F. federation. At the same time part of the W.F.F. International led by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS continued working. In 2005 it was transformed to W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International. Today W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. unites 140 countries that represent all Continents.

Some years ago Australian GRAEME LANCEFIELD established his own W.F.F. federation. To feel important for the International sport GRAEME LANCEFIELD used the history of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. as his own. Though he still does not know a single historical step of the real W.F.F.. The real W.F.F. International history started in 1968 in Lithuanian SSR.

GRAEME LANCEFIELD started collecting N.A.B.B.A. athletes to his own contests using the N.A.B.B.A. name. N.A.B.B.A. leaders were angry about this. Then in 2018 the President of the N.A.B.B.A. U.S.A. and a famous I.F.B.B. professional bodybuilder EDDIE ROBINSON  addressed DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to support N.A.B.B.A. in fighting against unfair behavior of GRAEME LANCEFIELD. After this GRAEME LANCEFIELD continued acting against N.A.B.B.A.. At the beginning of 2020 the President N.A.B.B.A. International and a famous U.K. Professional bodybuilder ED ELWOOD asked DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to support N.A.B.B.A. against GRAEME LANCEFIELD again. To help N.A.B.B.A. we wrote and published a thorough article about this.

Different of other International Bodybuilding Organizations today W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. seeks huge aims to make bodybuilding recognized and respected. Our sport became so much commercial that today we are the only ones to fulfill the old dreams of our friends BEN WEIDER and OSCAR HEIDENSTAM.

More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.





Bodybuilding sport was still prohibited but bodybuilders of the Socialist countries felt comming „perestrojka“.

The year of 1982 traditionally started in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) with „Amber Prix International‘ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). We would like to underline that since 1978 „Amber Prix International“ was the „unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ («неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). Best U.S.S.R. bodybuilders participated at thie event. It became possible after when in 1978 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) wrote bodybuilding defending petition and personally brought it to the highest U.S.S.R. political Institutions in Moscow (read about this in various languages in details in our articles at the

Bodybuilders of six countries took part at the 1982 „Amber Prix International“. The Over All Winners were RICARDAS PETRAUSKAS (Juniors) and EUGENE GORELIK (Евгений Горелик, Main Categories). Both from the Lithuanian SSR.

In 1982 bodybuilding organizers of the Estonian SSR still were fighting in between. Brothers ARRO left our sport, OLEV ANNUS emigrated to Finland. Though the Chairman of the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR was PRANAS MICKEVICIUS but bodybuilders supported INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002).

There were two teams of the Estonian SSR at the 1982 „Amber Prix International“. One was of PRANAS MICKEVICIUS and another of INNAR MARDO.

Traditional 1982 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) in Tallinn (Estonian SSR) was not the best. Only 31 bodybuilders participated at the competition. The Over All Winners were Lithuanians RAIMONDAS PETRAITIS (Juniors) and SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (Main Categories).

1982 „Comsomok Cup“ («Кубок комсомола», „Komjaunimo taurė“) was organized in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR). Junior Category Winners were Lithuanians RAIMONDAS PETRAITIS, SAULIUS MIKUCKIS, EDMUNDAS GUDAVICIUS, Main Category Winners were STANISLAV POLIAKOV (Станислав Поляков, Latvian SSR) and Lithuanians ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS, ALBERTAS BESAKIRSKAS.

Two teams of the Estonian SSR went to 1982 „Trener“ contest in the Czechoslovakian SSR. One was led by PRANAS MICKEVICIUS and another by INNAR MARDO. First time bodybuilders of the Lithuanian SSR took part at this competition. The Category Winners were Lithuanians EUGENE GORELIK, VLADAS KAPCEVICIUS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS and LUBOMIR MATEJICKA from the Czechoslovakian SSR. The Over All Winner was SAULIUS MISEVICIUS.

In 1982 a representative of the U.S.S.R. first time visite I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) World Championship. It was held in Belgium. That was secretary of the „Unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («неофициальная «Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. For this he had to fool the U.S.S.R. officials. ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS managed to get into a cruise ship to Europe Countries. This way he reached Belgium and attended the World Championship. The time of cruise and championship was the same. As told by ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS the organizers met him warmly. But knowing no foreign languages he could make pictures with I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER nad ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. Nothing more. But after meeting represntatives of Czechoslovakia SSR ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS communicated with then in Russian free. When competition ended ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS received zero attention and was left alone. Then at the 1982 I.F.B.B. World Championship winners were: USA bodybuilders JAMES GAUBERT, DALE RUPLINGER, LEE HANEY and Turkish AHMET ENUNLU.

In 1989 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS clearly understood that ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS does not understand any foreign language. During active correspondance and a number of personal meetings with BEN WEIDER DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS bacame a real friend of him. In 1989 as a friend BEN WEIDER invited DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to Paris (France). The 1989 I.F.B.B. World Championships were held in Paris at that time. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took ROMANAS KALINAUSTAS together. During a number of long lasting discussions DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and BEN WEIDER learned about the total unintelligence of ROMANAS KALUNAUSKAS in knowing languages. He totally was not understanding about what both friend were talking.  

It was extremelly dificult to go to Capitalist countries at the Socialist times. For an ordinary people it was impossible. During the eight and nineth decades of the last century of all Socialist countries only a bodybuilding trainer LUDEK NOSEK (Marianske Lazne, Czechoslovakian SSR) had a privilege to travel to Capitalist countries constantly. For many years he was the organizer of the „Sandow“ contest. Wife of LUDEK NOSEK was working as a stewardess on International flights of the airlines of the Czechoslovakian SSR. Her work permitted to go to any of the World countries with her husbund once a year. This way representing National Bodybuilding Federation of the Czechoslovakian SSR LUDEK NOSEK was present at many I.F.B.B. World Championships that were held in various Capitalist countries. 

More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.







In 1981 bodybuilding was still prohibited in the Socialist countries. Political powers controlled illegal bodybuilding through the formal „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») which was reset at the „U.S.S.R. Weightlifting Federation“ («Федерация тяжёлой атлетики С.С.С.Р.») in 1979. That was based on the old F.I.H.C. (F.H.C., „Federation Internationale Halterophile”) federation traditions.

The year of 1981 started with the traditional „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) contest in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR). Since 1978 this contest was accepted as the „Unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ («неофициальный Чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). We should underline that the possibility of the public competitions in the U.S.S.R. was got only after the victorial visit of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to Moscow. Then he wrote and personally brought the bodybuilding defending petition to the highest U.S.S.R. political powers in Moscow and received permittion to organize bodybuilding contests. The category winners of the 1981 „Amber Prix International“ were  EUGENE GORELIK (Евгений Горелик, Lithuanian SSR), INDREK OTSUS (Estonian SSR), SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (Lithuanian SSR) and OLEV ANNUS (Estonian SSR). The Over All Winner was SAULIUS MISEVICIUS. There were two teams of the Estonian SSR at the competition. One was of the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR led by OLEV ANNUS and brothers ARRO. Another one was of INNAR MARDO. Before the contest the Secretary of the formal „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS instructed the International Judges not to alow OLEV ANNUS to win the Over All Champion‘s title again. The „U.S.S.R. Weightlifting Federation“ knew that OLEV ANNUS plans to emigrante from the U.S.S.R. to Finland. That was a terrible action of him against the Communist regime. How the Over All U.S.S.R. bodybuilding champion can do this? So OLEV ANNUS lost the title. The head Judge of the 1981 „Amber Prix International“ was a friend of OLEV ANNUS. Several days after the competition he canceled the results of „Amber Prix International“  and in official letter asked the Chairman of the formal „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз) to aprove his decission. ROMAN MOROZ was against the decission and the results of the contest remained unchanged. At the saame time OLEV ANNUS wrote letters to the Socialist press saying about bad judging and explaining that the results of the 1981 „Amber Prix International“ were canceled.

We have no information about 1981 intriques in the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR. In 1979 after the quarell OLEV ANNUS and brothers ARRO overturned INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) and took the leadership in the federation. Then ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS was supporting the replacing of INNAR MARDO. INNAR MARDO popularity among U.S.S.R. bodybuilders and the results he achieved at the contests in the Socuialist countries made mad ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. In 1981 the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 - 1989) was organized in „Tallinn Olympic Pirita Centre“ (Талинский олимпийский центр Пирита») by INNAR MARDO without the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR. At that time the director of this centre was Lithuanian PRANAS MICKEVICIUS. In 1981 the above mentioned PRANAS MICKEVICIUS overturned OLEV ANNUS and brothers ARRO and took the leadership in the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR.   

In 1981 a meeting of the formal „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Всесоюзная комиссия атлетической гимнастики») was held in Moscow (R.S.F.S.R.). Bodybuilding was still prohibited but a number of public competitions were held in Lithuanian SSR and in the Estonian SSR. Those contests were organized with the political background. For example it was the „Comsomol Cup“ („Komjaunimo taurė», «Кубок комсомола») in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR). As the activities of the  „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ were only formal, it was rulled by the Chairman and former R.S.F.S.R. weightlifter ROMAN MOROZ and secretary ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. As ROMAN MOROZ was fare away from bodybuilding sport in fact the real Chairman was ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. The meeting in Moscow made no important decisions. Only several statistic persons were changed. Among new statistic persons was one of the U.S.S.R. bodybuilding pioneers weightlifter GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин). ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS was inviting DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to join his work. The above mentioned meeting spoke about OLEV ANNUS letters to the Socialist Sport Press and accused him about this. The „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ prohibited OLEV ANNUS to participate at any U.S.S.R. bodybuilding competitions.
in 1981 at the International competition „Trener“ (Czechoslovakian SSR) only Estonian INDREK OTSUS represented the U.S.S.R.. He bacema the Over All Winner again.

1981 „Amber Prix International“

Klaipeda, Lithuanian SSR


At the competition participated 72 bodybuilders from Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Belorussian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Ukrainian SSR.


First Weight Category


2. SOLOVJOV IGOR (Соловьёв Игорь, Lithuanian SSR)

3. MURTUZOV GRIGORIJ (Муртузов Григорий, Estonian SSR)

Second Weight Category

1. GUSEV JURIJ (Гусев Юрий, Lithuanian SSR)


3. SEVERJANOV IGOR (Северьянов Игорь, Lithuanian SSR)

Third Weight Category



3. DUDA LEONAS (Lithuanian SSR)

Main Categories

First Weight Category

1. GORELIK EUGENE (Горелик Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)

2. ALEKSANDROVIC VLADIMIR (Александрович Владимир, Belorussian SSR)

3. POLIAKOV STANISLAV (Поляков Станислав, Latvian SSR)

Second Weight Category

1. OTSUS INDREK (Estonian SSR)

2. MOSALIOV GEORGIJ (Мосалёв Георгий, R.S.F.S.R.)

3. POTAPOV PAVEL (Потапов Павел, Lithuanian SSR)

Third Weight Category



3. FEDIUK OLEG (Федюк Олег, Belorussian SSR)

Fourth Weight Category

1. ANNUS OLEV (Estonian SSR)

2. ZURCEV EUGENE (Журцев Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)


Over All Winners

Juniors – JURIJ GUSEV, Main Categories – SAULIUS MISEVICIUS.

More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.