World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes every year nearly 60 anual Am and Pro International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridic point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International started issuing the International Magazines in various languages in 1989. The W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Magazines are spread free of charge during the most important International Sport Events World Wide and also in all Country-Members of the Federation. The Magazines can be found in many basic State Libraries. Once the German Leizig State Library addressed the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International asking the Federation Magazines for the readers.
We would like to underline that no other known International Bodybuilding Sport Organization has it‘s own International Magazine, but the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F..
Not long ago the Sport Ministry Lithuania informed the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International that the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Magazines will be Representing sport of Republic Lithuania Internationally.
The first W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Magazine (1989) was the famous methodical issue „Arnold Scwarzenegger Recommends“ („Арнольд Шварценеггер рекомендует»). At that time many East Europe Bodybuilders were short of the methodical knowlidge and that was the reason of the 2 000 000 sucessfull issues of the magazine. The „Arnold Scwarzenegger Recommends“ bacame the real „Cathekizmus“ for most bodybuilders of that time. It was spread in the countries of former U.S.S.R. and East Europe. Several generations of today‘s bodybuilders grew up under these magazines.
The W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. working publishing group is led by the Member International Journalist Association the International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. President DSc EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. For the period of the last 30 years the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International published 37 International Magazines under various names in various languages.
Our magazines You can find easy at any State Library of Lithuania. Several years ago German State Leipzig Library addressed the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International asking to send them our magazines. So we did then.
Crowning it‘s sixty years of International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project - the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма»).
Until now nobody even tried to work on such a huge International Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some previous works as „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (for example, as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ was written about himself in person mostly). In real every Encyclopedia covers much wider things.
Before the prohibition of bodybuilding in the middle of the sixties of the last century in all Socialist World Countries the only one regular magazine about bodybuilding sport was Polish „Sport Dla Wszystkich“. At that time Lithuanians presented the basics of bodybuilding in the magazine „The Student“(„Moksleivis“).
Through the time of the prohibition of bodybuilding sport in the Socialist Countries nobody even dreamed about the bodybuilding literature. The exception was in Czechoslovakia Bratislava issued „Trener“ Magazine and the German D.D.R. (Deutsches Demokratik Republik) Weight Lifting Magazine „The Weightlifter‘s Training“ ( „Schwer Atlet Training“) which started to publish some information about our sport. During this time DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS used to give articles and contest information for these Magazines. Also for BEN WEIDER‘S „Flex“ magazine. All magazines used to publishe the DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS given materials. First of all it was information from the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest, the only one anual International Bodybuilding Event in all Socialist Counties, the „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968-2023). The above mentioned Czechoslovakia „Trener“ Magazines were published by JOZEF MAZAK and later by MILAN PERDOCH.
International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. worked and still works on the documents and various materials of World‘s Bodybuilding History. The W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ Magazine started in English, Russian and Lithuanian languages in 1989. During this period of time the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. printed and spread through the World several millions copies of the Magazine. „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ is awailable at the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federations in all 140 Country - members of the W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. International as well as at the most important World‘s International Bodybuilding and Fitness Events.
Main articles of the „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ Magazine were published in various Internet Pages, sport and public media, among them regularly in Spanish „Fitness Alive“ (Argentina, Magazine for South America and Spain), in German „Fitness News“ (Austria, Magazine for Germany, Austria and Switzerland), in English „Strenght and Health“ (UK, Magazine for England, Scotland and Ireland), in Russian „Zeleznyj Mir“ (Russia, for Russia and Post Soviet Russian Speaking Countries and etc..).
At the beginning a number of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Magazines were of methodical character. These Magazines were teaching the bodybuilders how to train from the primityve beginning to the Top Professional Level. Through decades the President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS collected and translated materials and documents from different possible sources, analised, evaluated and systemized them and finally presented as methodical recommendations for the sportsmen. That were a number of popular International Seria Magazines under the titles like “ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER recommends”, “Training Programs of the World’s Best Bodybuilders”, “Bodybuilding Stars Recommend” etc..). Ending the 90-ties of the last century basing on these Magazines a number of new generations of bodybuilders were born and educated. Wishing to have these Magazines in their collections the libraries of a number of Countries addressed the International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Headquarters (like German State Library of Leipzig, Germany).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ („Sportinis fitnesas ir kultūrizmas“, „Спортивный фитнес и культуризм») magazine has only informative International character but this makes it to be even more important. The Magazine covers most important World‘s Bodybuilding and Fitness Events and it gives true situation of sport on Official International Level, sets the goals of the sport for the future. Nobody else in the World does it, but the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F..
More information on the International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU).
Just before the prohibition and prosecution of bodybuilding in the Socialist World the 1971 and 1972 U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships („Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.“) were held. We would like to remind that since 1947 until 1969 the World‘s Official Bodybuilding was ruled by the International Weightlifting Federation F.I.H.C.. F.I.H.C. was a member of the International Olympic Committee. All bodybuilding contests were of two parts: the power exercises and posing. In the Socialist Countries this tradition remained during all years of the prohibition of bodybuilding. Prosecuted by Governments and press bodybuilder were hiding themselves behind the power exercises.
The first U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship was held in 1971 in Russia Severodvinsk City. The Over All Champion was a Russian Severodvinsk Athlete ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов), representing Leningrad City VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) was at the second place and at the third place was Russian VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв).
In 1972 the second U.S.S.R. bodybuilding Championship was held in Russia City Sverdlovsk. The representatives of six countries of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania participated at the event. In the short category the Winner was VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен), the second place went to BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков), the third place went to DMITRIJ CHANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russia. The middle category Winner was Lithuanian VALDAS ALIUBAVICHUS, at the second place was SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин), at the third place was ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров), both from Russia. The highest category Winner was VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин), at the second place was ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов), at the third place was VLADIMIRAS CHOMULIOVAS (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russia.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
The most importany happening 1987 in the Socialist World was the creation of the official recognized by the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ («Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р.», «Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.») the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.»). The prohibition of bodybuilding ended. Earlier after the 1986 „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) several people gathered at the appartments of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) and set the plan to establish the new „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“. Detailed information about this in various langueges is published in International Site .
On August 11, 1987 active U.S.S.R. bodybuilders, trainers and organizerd gathered in Kubenka (Кубенка, Moscow Region, R.S.F.S.R.). Under the preposal of the „U.S.S.R. Weightlifting Federation“ («Федерация тяжёлой атлетики С.С.С.Р.») a well known R.S.F.S.R. weightlifter Olympic Champion JURIJ VLASOV (Юрий Власов) was ellected the be the Chairman of the new federation. His deputies were VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ (Василий Чайковский, Leningrad, R.S.F.S.R.) and ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. The Secretary was a representative of the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ VALERIJ TAMARLAKOV (Валерий Тамарлаков). Detailed information about this in various langueges is published in International Site .
In 1987 „Amber Prix International“ last time served as the „Unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ („неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму“). It lasted since 1978. It became possible when in 1978 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote bodybuilding defending petition. Then he brought it to the highest U.S.S.R. political institutions in Moscow including the „Central Committee of the U.S.S.R. Communist Party («Центральный Комитет Коммунистической партии С.С.С.Р.»). Representing the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ VALERIJ TAMARLAKOV was present at the 1987 „Amber Prix International“ in Klaipeda. At this competition Category Winners were: Juniors - ALEKSANDR CERKASOV (Александр Черкасов, R.S.F.S.R.), OLEG ZUR (Олег Жур, Lithuanian SSR), BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO (Борис Великоиваненко, R.S.F.S.R.) and the winners of the Main Categories were - VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVIC (Владимир Александрович, belorussian SSR), VALERIJ BOGDNOVIC (Валерий Богданович, Belorussian SSR), VIKTORRAS JUCYS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (both Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winners were OLEG ZUR and VIKTORAS JUCYS.
By ranking the second Socialaist bodybuilding competiton was the „White Nights“ («Белые ночи») contest in Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.). The Category Winners were: Juniors - GINTARAS KRISCIUNAS (Lithuanian SSR), ALEKSANDR CERKASOV, GOL GRIGORIJ (Григорий Гол, Ukrainian SSR). Winners of the Main Categories were: NIKOLAJ MALYSEV (Николай Малышев, R.S.F.S.R.), PAVEL KOSENKO (Павел Косенко, Estonian SSR), BORIS RAJEV (Борис Раев, R.S.F.S.R.), VIKTORAS JUCYS. The Over All winners were ALEKSANDR CERKASOV and VIKTORAS JUCYS.
Traditional „Comsomol Cup“ («Кубок комсомола», „Komjaunimo taure“) was held in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR). Category Winners were: STANISLAV POLIAKOV (Станислав Поляков, Latvian SSR), PAVEL KOSENKO, BORIS RAJEV, ALEKSANDR VASIN (Александр Васин, R.S.F.S.R.). The Over All winner was ALEKSANDR VASIN.
Also in Kaunas first International women contest was organized in 1987. The Over All Winner was MERIKE MADAR (Estonian SSR).
In Leningrad first Couples competition was held too. The Over All Winners were INGA MISEVICIENE and SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (Lithuanian SSR).
In Ryga (Latvian SSR) was organized the „Over All Winner‘s Cup“ («Кубок абсолютных победителей»). The Over All Winner was VINCAS DUBICKAS (Lithuanian SSR).
Aso in Liepaja (Latvian SSR) an International Contest was organized too. The Over All Winners were representatives of the Lithuanian SSR: EDUARDAS RUDYS (Juniors) and VIKTORAS JUCYS (Main Categories).
In Kedainiai (Lithuanian SSR) the National Championship of the Lithuanian SSR was held. It still was of two parts – power exercises and posing.
In 1986 leader of bodybuilding in the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1976 – 2002) left sport. In 1987 for three months DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was sent for studines to Tallinn (Estonian SSR). Communicating with local bodybuilders he learned that nobody is going to organize the traditional „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 - 1989) Contest. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS decided to organize this Contest himself. A famous bodybuilder of the Estonian SSR INDREK OTSUS helped with local technical matters and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS collected U.S.S.R. bodybuilders. The Category Winners were: Juniors - TOM PAUL (Estonian SSR), ALEKSANDR JEMELJANENKOV (Estonian SSR). Main Categories: NYMM IMRE (Estonian SSR), PAVEL KOSENKO, AIN PAAVO (Estonian SSR), RIMANTAS MAZIONIS (Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winner was PAVEL KOSENKO.
Presenting bodybuilding sport in 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized huge public seminar in Klaipeda. It lasted for two days. The Palace of Culture of the Klaipeda Trading Sea Port was full of people. The audience was collected through addresses in the local newspapers. Bodybuilders made a show and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS answered to the questions of the Citizen.
In 1987 „Sandow“ and „Trener“ competitons were held in the Czechoslovakian SSR. The Over All Winner at „Sandow“ Contest was PAVOL JABLONICKY (Czechoslovakian SSR). The Category Winners at the „Trener“ Contest were: ANTON SARAJ, JAN KUS (both Czechoslovakian SSR), SAULIUS MISEVICIUS and PETER MOLNAR (Hungarian SSR). The Over All Winner of the „Trener“ Contest was JAN KUS.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
2024. Celebrating sixty years of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Activities and confronting the coming New Year of 2024 - Congratulating Words of the President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International DSc. Edmundas Daubaras.
I am proud of all our common work done. It is a pity that pandemia and wars made so many obstacles to do it better.
Closing the year of the 2023 we want to thank all of You for the huge work that was done. We have been working much and achieved good positive results in 2023 again. Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International federation unites national organizations of 140 countries that represent all Continents.
During the last sixty years of it‘s International activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. presented the highest International Honour Sport Award – the International Honour Gold Medal. Among the World Sport V.I.P. Persons this Award was presented to the President Parliament Austria Professor Alfred Gerstl, Slovakia Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar, Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico, the Mecenats Stefan Hrcka (Slovakia) and Jerzy Gotowski (Poland), Aleksandr Gridin (Lithuania), and the Hollywood Sport Personalities Aleksandr Nevsky (Russia-USA), Sylvester Stallone (USA), Ralf Moller (Germany-USA) and Chuck Norris (USA).
During the last period of time the new Country - members were included to the International federation, such as Macedonia.
We would like to underline that in 120 years of the World Sport History it was the first time when representing our sport the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. DSc. Edmundas Daubaras visited and worked at the Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva (Switzerland). Basing on the U.N. our federation knows the way to get out of International bodybuilding crisis and to develop official sport in future.
New International Title. In September, 2023 Rector of the oldest Ukraine Lvov Stavropigeon University Professor DSc. JAROSLAV KMIT proposed International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation President, Rector of the International Sport University (I.S.U.) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to the respectful title of the “2023 U.N.E.S.C.O. Ambassador of Peace”. U.N.E.S.C.O. (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) organization presented this title to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. At the same time DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded with the U.N.E.S.C.O. Medal and the Star.
Imagine – we organized so many International Events World Wide! The Official Flag and the Official Himna of the W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. International federation were presented at the most important World‘s Events. Especially important to the World‘s official sport were the our sport live history the 56-th „Amber Prix International“ (1968 - 2023, «Янтарный приз», «Gintarinis prizas“), the 34 -th World Amateur and Professional Championships.
On October 1, 2023 the 28-th W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Europe Championship and traditional „Liepaja Classic“ were held in Liepaja, Republic of Latvia. A number of members of the U.N.E.S.C.O. organization took part at the events. That were the above mentioned „2023 U.N.E.S.C.O. Ambassador of Peace“ («Посол Мира Ю.Н.Е.С.К.О. 2023 года»), the Rector of International Sport University (I.S.U., ректор Международного университета спорта), the International W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS; Journalist, U.N.E.S.C.O. Award Holder, U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Pioneer VALERIJ KORESKOV (Lithuania); famous bodybuilder, U.N.E.S.C.O. Award Holder, Ukraine Bodybuilding Pioneer, Professor of four Universities VASILIJ BESPALENKO (Ukraine).
No one other International Organization, that represents our sport, can not be proud of so long history of it’s International activities. No one of them has so many Country - Members. No one organizes so many official International events. No one of other organizations seek developing of our sport on official level, but the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.. They even do not try to do this. To say more – today all International Federations have chosen the commercial way of their development and nearly all of them are private commercial profit companies today, not sport federations.
Especially we were would like to underline tremendous work done by the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International V.I.P. Officials Lalit Soni (India), Andrej Basov, Svetlana Pugacheva, Oleg Lunin (all Russia), Edita Sendriene, Jurij Stepanov and Vytautas Mikuckis (all Lithuania), Jorge Cedale (Argentina), Peter Papula (Austria), Alloudin Bhatte (Pakistan), Tolga Murat Balikci (Turkey), Alireza Rasa (Iran), Omid Ramez (Canada), Amirhossein Pourezzat (Malaysia), Pibe Rodriguez (Paraguay), Wander Primenta (Brazil), James Davidsom (South Africa), Angelina Romanovic, Maris Sveiduks, Jurans Normunds (Latvia), Vasilij Bespalenko (Ukraine), Gvidon Alvantzian (Cyprus), Sergej Medvedev (Uzbekistan), Simo Bogdanoff and Aki Mahonen (both Finland), Dave Foster (U.K.), Leonor Hilario Greffel (Mozambique) and Oleg Akopov (Bulgaria), Wojciech Nadolski (Poland), Roman Gurjev (Estonia) and many other our sport personalities.
The W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International goes on working on the unbelievable huge unique work – the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulinė kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма»). It will be published in various languages. Until now nobody in the World ever dared to do such a tremendous project. We are sure – this way many facts of our one hundred years lasting history, many names of the International organizers and sportsmen will be not forgotten.
In 2016 under the initiative of the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. International the International Sport University (I.S.U., Tarptautinis sporto universitetas, Международный университет спорта) was established and registered in the European Union. Under the guidance of talanted administrators and scientists now it works succcessfully. In 2017 the I.S.U. became the Associated member of the U.N.E.S.C.O. organization at the U.N.. Professor of four Universities VASILIJ BESPALENKO and Professor LALIT KUMAR SONI work activelly at the International Sports University.
We would like to remember that in 2012 in Vatican through His personal letter the Roman Pope Benedictus XVI (Benedetto XVI) blessed the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International activities.
As we have mentioned above we do not mean “festivals” and various “expo”. We mean only official sport. Representing World‘s Fitness and Bodybuilding Sport the W.F.F. - International and the W.B.B.F. - International are the only ones World Wide Officially Registered International Non Profit Sport Organizations that work well for official sport for so long time. New ideas and tremendous work done for the International Sport make the W.F.F. and W.B.B.F. to be the today’s International Leaders in Bodybuilding and Fitness World Wide. We mean the Official Level. The W.F.F. and W.B.B.F. do not live yesterday’s life. We have lots of new Global Bodybuilding Projects ahead.
God bless all of us in our sincere pray!
(full text in various languages is on International Page )
Bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries was prohibited since 1973. Finally in 1987 bodybuilding was officially recognized in the U.S.S.R. and a new „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») was established as it was planned by several persons in 1986. Then those persons after 1986 „Amber Prix International“ (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) came together at the appartments of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR, full article on this meeting is on International Site ). At that time the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ („Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р.», «Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.“) was led by the Minister ALEKSANDR KOLESOV (Александр Колесов). Official recognition of bodybuilding needed several formal steps: the meeting of the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders to set a new „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“, to set Chairmen and establish Committees.
Before the 1987 meeting of the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders in Kubenka two important International Contests were held. That were the 1987 „Amber Prix International“ (Klaipeda) and the „White Nights“ («Белые ночи», Leningrad, R.S.F.S.R.) competitions. It was the last time in 1987 when the „Amber Prix International“ was run as the „Unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ («неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). It lasted since 1978 in Klaipeda. The official representative of the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ VALERIJ TAMARLAKOV (Валерий Тамарлаков) was present at the 1987 „Amber Prix International“. Also another Contest was run in Leningrad and it was the „White Nights“.
On August 11, 1987 the meeting of the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders was set in Kubenka (R.S.F.S.R. Moscow region). Representatives of eleven Socialist Republics participated at the event. Instead of the old formal „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Комиссия атлетической гимнастики С.С.С.Р.») representatives of Leningrad City VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) and VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ (Василий Чайковский) preposed to create a new „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“. The old one did not preforme any noticable work so new changes were needeed. We would like to remind that in 1978 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote bodybuilding defending petition and presented it to the highest U.S.S.R. political institutions, including the „U.S.S.R. Central Committee of Communist Party“ («Центральный комитет коммунистической партии С.С.С.Р.»). This gave possibilities of prosecution of bodybuilding be not so strong. This way in 1979 the old and formal „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ was set at the „U.S.S.R. Weightlifting Federation“ («Федерация тяжёлой атлетики С.С.С.Р.»). It was led by a R.S.F.S.R. weightlifter Chairman ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз). The Secretary of the old federation was ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. In fact ROMAN MOROZ was fare away from bodybuilding and ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS did the work alone himself. There were no possibilities to do any normal work as bodybuilding it the U.S.S.R. was prohibited.
The Chairmen of the new „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ were ellected at the 1987 meeting in Kubenka. The influence of weightlifting still was evident and the first President of the federation became a famous R.S.F.S.R. weighlifter Olympic Champion JURIJ VLASOV (Юрий Власов). Basing on his popularity JURIJ VLASOV did all formal paper work for the new federation. Two Vice Chairmen of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ were ellected: VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ and ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. The Secretary of the federation was chosen the Official of the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ VALERIJ TAMNARLAKOV.
Along with the meeting in Kubenka two seminars were held. First one was of ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. He told bodybuilders about the „supplements“, their positive and negative sides. Also he told how he overused them and this way spoiled his health. Since that time he can not train anymore now.
Another seminar was done by a contemporary poet and drama writter VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Виталий Асовский). He represented the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ («Вильнюсская школа культуризма»). The School was established in middle of sixties of the last Century by a talanted trained CESLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич, 1945 – 2023, in 2019 awarded with the „International Honour Silver Medal“ by the International President of W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS). For two decades the representatives of the „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ were among top U.S.S.R. bodybuilders. VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ replaced the Chairman when in 1980 due to illness CESLAV TAMULEVIC left bodybuilding. In Kubenka VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ told bodybuilders about posing, routines. He classified all poses of bodybuilders and presented the programmes on stage himself. At that time Soviet Bodybuilding was much higher in level if compared to today‘s primitiveness... Soviet Bodybuilding was SPORT!
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
World Fitness Federation (W.F.F. - International)
World Bodybuilding Federation (W.B.B.F. - International)
(W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Since 1968; 140 Country-Members)
World Championship Over All Winners
(2004 - 2023)
Year, Competitor's Name, Country.
2023 Ivanova Jelena, Latvia
2022 Petrova Sabina, Latvia
2021 Ivanova Jelena, Latvia
2020 Kolesova Olga, Lithuania
2019 Leman Monika, Poland
2018 Lisickaja Elena, Uzbekistan
2017 Zykiene Jana, Lithuania
2016 Maskova Ksenia, Russia
2015 Usikova Zina, Belarus
2014 Sukaityte Agne, Lithuania
2013 Narbutaityte Kristina, Lithuania
2012 Martinkova Eva Slovakia
2011 Martinkova Eva, Slovakia
2010 Sidoruk Oksana, Russia
2009 Martinkova Eva, Slovakia
2008 Martinkova Eva, Slovakia
2007 Suchova Julija, Lithuania
2006 Sarka Hola, Czech
2005 Elksninia Rita, Latvia
2004 Ceciotkina Marina, Russia
Chairman W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Judges Council Edita Sendriene
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Since 1968.
140 Countries Representing All Continents.
(Not All Countries have sent their Dates of International Contests.
More information about 2024 Calender is on the way)
16-th INSHA ALLACH PAKISTAN CHAMPIONSHIP, January, 2024, Lahore, Pakistan
9-th ASIA CHAMPIONSHIP, February, Ludhiana, India
9-th B.R.I.C.S. CHAMPIONSHIP, February, Ludhiana, India
39-th WORLD GRAND PRIX LATVIA, April 27, Kandava, Latvia
31-st BALTIC CUP INTERNATIONAL, April 27, Kandava, Latvia
15-th WORLD CUP, AM/PRO, May, Kaunas, Lithuania
29-th EUROPE CHAMPIONSHIP, AM/PRO, May, Liepaja, Latvia
3-d BALCAN CUP INTERNATIONAL, June 1, Varna, Bulgaria
40-th WORLD GRAND PRIX BULGARIA, June 1, Varna, Bulgaria
41-st WORLD GRAND PRIX AUSTRIA, June 29, Linz, Austria
25-th „UNIVERSE“, AM/PRO, October 5, Klaipeda, Lithuania
57-th „AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL“, October 5, Klaipeda, Lithuania
35-th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, AM/PRO, November, Brazil.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook Pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Since 1968.
140 Countries Representing All Continents.
(Not All Countries have sent their Dates of International Contests.
More information about 2024 Calender is on the way)
16-th INSHA ALLACH PAKISTAN CHAMPIONSHIP, January, 2024, Lahore, Pakistan
9-th ASIA CHAMPIONSHIP, February, Ludhiana, India
9-th B.R.I.C.S. CHAMPIONSHIP, February, Ludhiana, India
39-th WORLD GRAND PRIX LATVIA, April 27, Kandava, Latvia
31-st BALTIC CUP INTERNATIONAL, April 27, Kandava, Latvia
15-th WORLD CUP, AM/PRO, May, Kaunas, Lithuania
29-th EUROPE CHAMPIONSHIP, AM/PRO, May, Liepaja, Latvia
3-d BALCAN CUP INTERNATIONAL, June 1, Varna, Bulgaria
40-th WORLD GRAND PRIX BULGARIA, June 1, Varna, Bulgaria
41-st WORLD GRAND PRIX AUSTRIA, June 29, Linz, Austria
25-th „UNIVERSE“, AM/PRO, October 5, Klaipeda, Lithuania
57-th „AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL“, October 5, Klaipeda, Lithuania
35-th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, AM/PRO, November, Brazil.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook Pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
It comes more freedom in 1986. Bodybuilding is more popular. Many people are somehow connected and involved in bodybuilding. The time comes closer when in 1987 the recognized by the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ (U.S.S.R. Goskomsport, Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р., Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.) the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federattion“ («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») is established.
The prohibition and prosecution of bodybuilding in socialist Countries became formal. In 1978 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) dared to write bodybuilding defending petition. He personally brought it to Moscow and presenetd to the Central Committee of the U.S.S.R. Communist Party (Центральный Комитет Коммунистической партии С.С.С.Р.) as well as to other highest U.S.S.R. political institutuins. No one of Socialist bodybuilders supported DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS then. All were afrayed. After this the prosecution of bodybuilders became softer and softer every year.
During the last years it was VLADIMIR SUBOV (Владимир Шубов) who represented the R.S.F.S.R. at the International Contests in Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR. He was in constant contacts with the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“. To keep the contacts on he rented a room at the Headquarters of the Ministry.
In 1986 on the occasion of the 27-th „Congress of the U.S.S.R. Communist Party“ a big festival was organized in Moscow. Bodybuildires of the R.S.F.S.R. and Lithuanian SSR took part at the event.
In 1986 the creator and President of the W.A.B.B.A. (World Amateur Body Building Association) SERGE NUBRET sent a letter to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Why to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS? The reason - since 1977 until 1987 „Klaipeda Bodybuilding Federation“ was the only one officially recognized bodybuilding federation in the U.S.S.R.. All other units had no status of a „federation“ and they were not recognized. The letter included huge correspondence of SERGE NUBRET and the President of the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) BEN WEIDER. SERGE NUBRET asked to publish the materials. But DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS did not do it until now as the materials included many extremelly personal intimate matters of BEN WEIDER.
After the 1986 „Amber Prix International“ in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS collected in his appartments most influental bodybuilding persons of the R.S.F.S.R.. That were VLADIMIR SUBOV (Moscow) and VLADIMIR DUBININ (Leningrad). In 1986 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS after twelve years pause brought back to sport VLADIMIR DUBININ (Leningrad). Being unsatisfied with the work of the formal U.S.S.R. bodybuilding leaders DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS spoke to all personts about the necessity to build a new „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wanted a federation which is recognized by the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ and he wanted bodybuilding being recognized as the official sport too (detailed articles in various languages are on International Site ).
Traditionally the „Amber Prix International“ was the most important U.S.S.R. bodybuilding Contest. Since 1978 until 1987 it was an „unofficial U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championahip“ («Неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). The „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ recognized this fact. In 1986 delegates of the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ came to visit the „Amber Prix International“ in Klaipeda. There were several representatives of the „U.S.S.R. Weightlifting Federation“ among them. During the competition they organized the first in the official sport history bodybuilding seminar. It was held in a cinema of Klaipeda. After the seminar all attendants were examened and after this they received the „U.S.S.R. Trainer‘s Certificates“ («Удостоверение тренера С.С.С.Р.»).
At the 1986 „Amber Prix International“ participated 87 bodybuilders from Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Belorussian SSR and Ukrainian SSR. The Category Winners were: Juniors – OLEG ZUR (Олег Жур, Lithuanian SSR), BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO (Борис Великоиваненко, R.S.F.S.R.), SERGEJ SAMOTIN (Сергей Самотин, both R.S.F.S.R.). Winners of the main categories were: RAIMUNDAS PETRAITIS (Lithuanian SSR), VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC, GEORGIJ JUDENKOV (Валерий Богданович, Георгий Юденков, both Belorussian SSR) and ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS (Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winners were: OLEG ZUR and ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS.
Next by the rank of the U.S.S.R. bodybuilding Competitons was the Estonian SSR „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Еенно», 1971 – 1989). In 1986 it was not organized as INNAR MARDO left bodybuilding activities.
During the last several years ARKADIJ KASANSKIJ used to organize Competitions in Charkov City (Ukrainian SSR). In 1986 he held two Contests. At the first of them participated 98 bodybuilders from Ukrainian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, latvian SSR and R.S.F.S.R.. Over all Winners were OLEG SAVIC (Олег Савич, R.S.F.S.R., juniors) and ALEKSANDR VASIN (Александр Васин R.S.F.S.R., Main Categories). Another Contest was the second „Cup of Over All Winners“ («2-ой Кубок абсолютных чемпионов»). There were 9 participants from Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR, latvian SSR, R.S.F.S.R. and Ukrainian SSR. The Winners were: VINCAS DUBICKAS (First Place, Lithuanian SSR), PAVEL KOSENKO (Павел Косенко, Second Place, Estonian SSR), ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS (Thgird Place, Lithuanian SSR).
Lithuanian SSR City of Kaunas went on organizing anual „Comsomol Cup“ («Кубок комсомола», „Komjaunimo taurė“). 26 bodybuilders from Belorussian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, R.S.F.S.R. and D.D.R. (Deutche Demokratishe Republik) took part at the event. Kaunas Comsomol leadres helped U.S.S.R. bodybuilders to invite D.D.R. athletes. The Category Winners were: Lithuanians VINCAS DUBICKAS, PAVEL KOSENKO, ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS, OLEGAS MASLOVAS (Олег Маслов, R.T.F.S.R.).
Also in 1986 several local Competitions were held in Leningrad and Liubercy (both R.S.F.S.R.), in the Belorussian SSR and in the Lithuanian SSR.
Speaking about the other Socialist Countries we should mention „Trener“ contest in the Czechoslovakian SSR. The Category Winners were: Czechoslovaks PETR DUDAREC, JAN KUS, JAN CERNY and PETER MOLNAR (Hungarian SSR).
Another competition was held in Neubranderburg (D.D.R.). Category Winners were: BERNARD SEIBE (D.D.R.) and Czechoslovaks LIBOR MINARIK, PAVOL JABLONICKY, JAN CERNY. The Over All Winner was LIBOR MINARIK.
At the contest participated 87 bodybuilders from Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Ukrainian SSR and Belorussian SSR.
First Weight Category
1. ZUR OLEG (Жур Олег, Lithuanian SSR)
2. CERKASOV ANDREJ (Черкасов Андрей, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. KULTYGIN ARKADIJ (Култыгин Аркадий, R.S.F.S.R.)
Second Weight Category
1. VELIKOIVANENKO BORIS (Великоиваненко Борис, R.S.F.S.R.)
2. CHODIN VITALIJ (Ходин Виталий, Lithuanian SSR)
3. BALCETIS RIMAS (Lithuanian SSR)
Third Weight Category
1. SAMOTIN SEMION (Самотин Семён, R.S.F.S.R.)
2. TREBINEC MICHAIL (Требинец Михаил, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. BRANDUKOV OLEG (Брандуков Олег, Ukrainian SSR)
Main Categories
First Weight Category
2. POLIAKOV STANISLAV (Поляков Станислав, Latvian SSR)
3. POPELEVIC VLADIMIR (Попелевич Владимир, Ukrainian SSR)
Second Weight Category
1. BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ (Богданович Валерий, Belorussian SSR)
2. MOSALIOV GEORGIJ (Мосалёв Георгий, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. KOSENKO PAVEL (Косенко Павел, Estonian SSR)
Third Weight Category
1. JUDENKOV GRIGORIJ (Юденков Григорий, Belorussian SSR)
2. GORIUNOV VLADIMIR (Горюнов Владимир, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. RAJEV BORIS (Раев Борис, R.S.F.S.R.)
Fourth Weight Category
2. ZAICEV SERGEJ (Зайцев Сергей, R.S.F.S.R.)
Over All Winners: Juniors – OLEG ZUR, Main Categories – ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
Today the International Federation W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) unites 140 Country-Members from all Continents. Every year W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. holds over 60 International Events in various Countries.
Some time ago the Global C.N.N. (Cable News Network) television made a special report on the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. events that were held in Klaipeda (E.U., Republic Lithuania) in May, 2017. That were the 50-th „Amber Prix International“ («Янтарный приз», «Gintarinis Prizas“, 1968-2017) and the 18-th „Universe“ contests. Due to this a billion (milliard) people World Wide had a possibility to see the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. International work.
C.N.N. is one of the World‘s most important International News Television Companies. We do not remember that C.N.N. ever reported about bodybuilding sport before. Positively reported... We are proud that the report was about the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. International Events, that had happened in Lithuania, European Union.
Before this the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. International also had a number of reports on other International Television Companies, such as „Eurosport“, „Sky News“ and many national televisions of various countries through the World.
Receiving the information about the C.N.N. preparations to make a report from the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. International events in Lithuania, the Lithuania Republic Foreign Ministry officials addressed the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and assisted him in the common work with the C.N.N. television.
During the sixty years of it‘s activities the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. always kept on the real sport side. Though there were various political and economical dificulties, the federation never stopped working on (read historical articles on the International Site
W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. athletes always had possibilities to seek the highest titles at the International recognized official contests. Historic statistics prove the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. is a prestigeous International Federation among all federations. One can organize several successfull competitions, but it is not the same as the fivety years of serious stable work. The power of the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. – sixty years of constant International Sport work.
Today the valuables of the mankind changed. For most people money means everything. No morality, only money and lies. The 3000 years lasting Bible Concept of Ruling Menkind is close to the end. Today most of International Sport Organizations are commercial. Even W.A.D.A. (World Anti Doping Agency) seeks profit and this is the reason that not every International Sport Organization can join W.A.D.A.. Such mentioned above organizations proclame commerce, not sport. It is a theater of absurd now and we were writing about this many times before.
W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. will remain conservative and it will not follow other commercial sport organizations. W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. will remain on the real sport side and this is our priority.
In difference to other organizations W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. collaborates with the recognized International Sport Institutions, National Governmental Structures and representatives of all religions. All of them notice and valuate the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. activities. We see the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. as a strong friendly unit and this is our power.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.