World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
Po 1987 metais įkurtos „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo federacijos“ („U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“, «Федерация культуизма С.С.С.Р.») kultūristams atsivėrė naujos perspektyvos. Kultūrizmo sporto draudimo ir persekiojimo neliko nė kvapo. T.S.R.S. Sąjunginės Respublikos sukruto ir ėmė rengti įvairaus lygio kultūrizmo varžybas. Kaimyninių Socialistinių šalių kultūrizmo organizatoriai noriai kvietėsi į savo varžybas T.S.R.S. kultūristus.
Nėra abejonių – svarbiausiomis 1988 metų tarptautinėmis varžybomis T.S.R.S. buvo pirmos oficialios „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo taurės“ („U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Cup“, «Кубок С.С.С.Р. по культуризму») pirmenybės, kuriose dalyvavo 69 kultūristai iš 13 Sąjunginių Respublikų. Varžybos vyko iki šių dienų populiariuose Leningrado (Rusijos Federacija) koncertų rūmuose „Oktiabrskij“ (дворец „Октябрьский», Ленинград), o sportininkai gyveno prabangiuose miesto viešbučiuose. Pirmų oficialių „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo taurės“ pirmenybių, kurias rėmė „T.S.R.S. Sporto ministerija“ („U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“, «Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р.»), nugalėtojais kategorijose tapo to meto patyrę ir garsūs sportininkai: STANISLAVAS POLIAKOVAS (Станислав Поляков, Ryga, Latvijos TSR, treneris FELIKSAS SAJKOVSKIS, Феликс Сайковский); VALERIJUS BOGDANOVIČIUS (Валерий Богданович, Minskas, Baltarusijos TSR, treniravosi savarankiškai); SAULIUS MISEVIČIUS (Kaunas, Lietuvos TSR, treniravosi savarankiškai); VIKTORAS JUCYS (Klaipėda, Lietuvos TSR, treneris Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS). VIKTORAS JUCYS buvo pripažintas absoliučiu T.S.R.S. pirmenybių nugalėtoju. Nuo tol jis visiems laikams pradėtas vadinti „Mister Absoliutus S.S.S.R.“ («Мистер Абсолютус С.С.С.Р.»). Kategorijų nugalėtojams «T.S.R.S. sporto ministerija» suteikė garbingus “T.S.R.S. sporto meistro” (“U.S.S.R. Sport Master”, «Мастер спорта С.С.С.Р.») vardus. Baigiantis varžyboms „T.S.R.S. sporto ministerijos“ diplomu buvo iškilmingai apdovanotas absoliutaus T.S.R.S. čempiono treneris Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (DSc. Edmundas Daubaras).
Varžybas stebėjo I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) prezidentas BENAS VEIDERIS (Ben Weider), kuris teigiamai įvertino klaipėdiečio VIKTORO JUCIO sportinę formą. I.F.B.B. prezidentas pakvietė visus kategorijų nugalėtojus į rudenį Australijoje vyksiantį I.F.B.B. pasaulio čempionatą. T.S.R.S. kultūristų susitikimui su BENU VEIDERIU buvo organizuota konferencija. Prezidiume sėdėjo I.F.B.B. prezidentas BENAS VEIDERIS ir Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, vienintelis iš T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo atstovų gerai valdęs užsienio kalbas. Sportininkai uždavinėjo BENUI VEIDERIUI klausimus, o šis per Dr. EDMUNDĄ DAUBARĄ į juos atsakinėjo. Po kurio laiko kultūristų klausimai baigėsi ir susitikimas virto į Dr. EDMUNDO DAUBARO dialogą su I.F.B.B. prezidentu.
Pastaruoju metu atsiradusios gausios naujos “federacijos” mulkina sportininkus. Šių “federacijų” niekas nepripažįsta ir jų veikla yra nereikšminga oficialaus sporto atžvilgiu. Visame pasaulyje “iš senos inercijos” buvusių komunistinių šalių sporto ministerijos finansuoja I.F.B.B. nacionalines kultūrizmo federacijas. Kol nuo 1947 metų kultūrizmas per narystę tarptautinėje F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile) organizacijoje, kuri buvo T.O.K. (I.O.C., International Olympic Committee) nere, buvo po įtakingo amerikiečio BOBO HOFMANO (Bob Hoffman) globa, kol nuo 1971 metų broliai DŽO ir BENAS VEIDERIAI (Joe and Ben Weider brothers) per I.F.B.B. narystę tarptautinėje G.A.I.S.F. (“General Association of International Sports Federations”) organizacijoje siekė olimpinio pripažinimo, kultūrizmas buvo pagarboje. Po 1998 metų skandalingo T.O.K. (I.O.C., International Olympic Committee, Tarptautinis Olimpinis Komitetas) atsisakymo pripažinti I.F.B.B. federaciją, po dvigubo I.F.B.B. federacijos skilimo ir dalijimosi (2008, 2015 m.) apie kultūrizmo sportinę pusę net kalbėti neverta. Tik komercija, pinigai ir šou su šoumenais. Kas iš oficialumo I.F.B.B. dar buvo likę, dabartinis jos savininkas ispanas RAFAELIS SANTOCHA (Rafael Santonja) pribaigė galutinai. Štai 2022 metais ir W.A.D.A. (“World Anti – Doping Agency”) atsisakė bendradarbiavimo su I.F.B.B.. Apie kitas “federacijas” išvis tyla, vieni juokai…
1988 metais Charkove (Ukrainos TSR) buvo organizuotos pirmosios „T.S.R.S. jaunimo pirmenybės“ („U.S.S.R. Junior Championship“, «Чемпионат С.С.С.Р. среди юниоров»), kuriose dalyvavo kultūristai iš 8 Sąjunginių Respublikų. Varžybų Charkove metu vyko „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo federacijos“ prezidiumo posėdis. Kultūristai atsikratė sunkiaatlečių: įsižeidęs dėl kultūristų veiksmų federacijos vadovas JURIJUS VLASOVAS (Юрий Власов) pareiškė paliekąs savo postą, o federacijos sekretorius VALERIJUS TAMARLAKOVAS (Валерий Тамарлаков) buvo nušalintas dėl nepasitikėjimo. Posėdžio metu „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo federacijos“ vadovu išrinktas JURIJAUS VLASOVO pavaduotojas Leningrado atstovas VASILIJUS ČAIKOVSKIS (Василий Чайковский). Sprendžiant pagal toliau užimtus postus, procesą iniciavo leningradiečiai. Pirma sunkiaatlečių bei Leningrado kultūristų konfrontacija, palaikoma ROMANO KALINAUSKO, prasidėjo 1987 metais. Kaip Dr. EDMUNDUI DAUBARUI rašė ilgametis Estijos TSR kultūrizmo vadovas INARAS MARDO (Innar Mardo, Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002 m.), 1987 metais JURIJUS VLASOVAS Maskvos Olimpiniame centre organizavo tarptautines kultūrizmo varžybas. Afišos buvo atspausdintos, varžybas turėjo transliuoti T.S.R.S. centrinė televizija, buvo sudarytos Sąjunginių Respublikų rinktinės, o stebėtojai turėjo atvykti iš „T.S.R.S. sporto ministerijos“ bei „T.S.R.S. sunkiosios atletikos federacijos“ («Министерство тяжёлой атлетики С.С.С.Р.»). Nežiūrint į tai, leningradiečiai organizavo JURIJAUS VLASOVO varžybų boikotą ir joms priešpastatė 1987 metais Leningrade organizuotą „Baltųjų naktų“ («Белые ночи») turnyrą. Taip JURIJAUS VLASOVO turnyras Maskvoje buvo sužlugdytas.
Leningrade vyko tarptautinės moterų kultūrizmo varžybos. Kategorijų nugalėtojomis tapo Lietuvos TSR atstovės NATALIJA DUCHOVIČ (Murnikovienė, Наталия Духович Мурниковене), AUŠRA ŠALOMSKAITĖ, INGA MISEVIČIENĖ.
Australijoje vyko 1988 metų I.F.B.B. pasaulio kultūrizmo čempionatas. Asmeniškai BENO VEIDERIO pakviesta T.S.R.S. rinktinė pirmą kartą oficialiai dalyvavo tokio lygio varžybose. Šių varžybų metu „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo federacija“ buvo priimta į tarptautinę I.F.B.B. federaciją. Visi pirmos „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo taurės“ nugalėtojai pateko į T.S.R.S. rinktinę. Sportininkai įtemptai treniravosi Maskvoje, laikėsi dietos. Lietuvos TSR atstovavo du T.S.R.S. čempionai: VIKTORAS JUCYS ir SAULIUS MISEVIČIUS. Į Australiją T.S.R.S. rinktinę lydėjo delegacija. Į minėtos delegacijos sudėtį nebuvo įtrauktas ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS, to meto «T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo federacijos» pirmininko pavaduotojas. Jis buvo atsakingas už T.S.R.S. užsienio pasų parengimą bei Australijos vizų gavimą Lietuvos TSR atstovams. Supykęs, kad nevažiuoja į Australiją, ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS sulaikė VIKTORO JUCIO ir SAULIAUS MISEVIČIAUS pasus, tiesiog neperdavė pasų išvykstantiems. Abu Lietuvos sportininkai, atvykę į Maskvos Šeremetjevo aerouostą, liko stovėti laukimo salėje – taip pasų ir nesulaukė. Be neišvykusių lietuvių faktinę T.S.R.S. rinktinę Australijoje sudarė STANISLAVAS POLIAKOVAS, VALERIJUS BOGDANOVIČIUS, ALEKSANDRAS VASINAS (Александр Васин), kurie pasaulio čempionate Australijoje ženklių rezultatų nepasiekė.
1988 metais tarptautinis „Gintarinio prizo“ („Amber Prix International“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023 m.) turnyras savo tradicijos nenutraukė, nors T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo vadovai teigė, kad po „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo federacijos“ įkūrimo šių varžybų nebereikia – yra T.S.R.S., pasaulio ir Europos čempionatai. Po oficialaus „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo čempionato“ (taurės pirmenybių) „Gintarinis prizas“ išliko antromis pagal reikšmę kultūrizmo varžybomis T.S.R.S.. 1988 metų „Gintarinio prizo“ varžybose Klaipėdoje dalyvavo 112 kultūristų iš 9 Sąjunginių Respublikų. Kategorijų nugalėtojais tapo: jaunime – VIRGINIJUS TVARIONAS, ROBERTAS BALINSKAS (abu Lietuvos TSR), ANDREJUS VOJTOVIČIUS (Андрей Войтович, Baltarusijos TSR), BORISAS VELIKOIVANENKO (Борис Великоиваненко, R.T.F.S.R.), o tarp suaugusiųjų – NIKOLAJUS MALYŠEVAS (Николай Малышев, R.T.F.S.R.), ZIGMAS PRELGAUSKAS, SAULIUS MISEVIČIUS, VIKTORAS JUCYS (visi Lietuvos TSR). Absoliučiais nugalėtojais pripažinti BORISAS VELIKOIVANENKO ir VIKTORAS JUCYS.
Pažymint T.S.R.S. komjaunimo 70-metį Kaune vyko tradicinės „Komjaunimo taurės“ („Comsomol Cup“, «Кубок комсомола») pirmenybės. Be T.S.R.S. kultūristų miesto komjaunuolių pastangomis varžybose dalyvavo sportininkai iš Čekoslovakijos TSR (Czechoslovakian SSR) ir Vokietijos Demokratinės Respublikos (G.D.R., German Democratic Repuclic). Kategorijų nugalėtojais tapo: VLADAS KAPCEVIČIUS, RAIMUNDAS IVANAUSKAS. Kartu vyko tradicinės „Absoliučių nugalėtojų“ („Over All Winner‘s Cup“, «Кубок абсолютных чемпионов») turnyras. Nugalėtoju tapo ALEKSANDRAS TARASEVIČIUS (Александр Тарасевич, R.T.F.S.R.).
1988 metais į tarptautines varžybas Rygoje (Latvijos TSR) atvyko Vakarų Vokietijos kultūristai. Po „geležinės uždangos“ kritimo, tai buvo pirmas „Vakarų“ sportininkų apsilankymas T.S.R.S.. Vokiečiai ir latviai buvo pirmieji, kurie „pralaužė“ geležinę uždangą, skyrusią socialistinio ir „Vakarų“ pasaulio šalis. Varžybose dalyvavo keturiasdešimt sportininkų iš Lietuvos TSR, Estijos TSR, Ukrainos TSR ir Latvijos TSR. Tarp vokiečių stipriausias buvo Europos veteranų čempionas HAICAS HORLINGAS (Heinz Horling), o iš T.S.R.S. kultūristų latvis STANISLAVAS POLIAKOVAS (Станислав Поляков).
1988 metais į tarptautines varžybas Rygoje (Latvija) atvyko Vakarų Vokietijos kultūristai. Po „geležinės uždangos“ kritimo, tai buvo pirmas „Vakarų“ sportininkų apsilankymas T.S.R.S.. Vokiečiai ir latviai buvo pirmieji, kurie „pralaužė“ geležinę uždangą, skyrusią socialistinio ir „Vakarų“ pasaulio šalis. Varžybose dalyvavo keturiasdešimt sportininkų iš Lietuvos, Estijos, Ukrainos ir Latvijos. Tarp vokiečių stipriausias buvo Europos veteranų čempionas HAICAS HORLINGAS (Heinz Horling), o iš T.S.R.S. kultūristų latvis STANISLAVAS POLIAKOVAS (Станислав Поляков).
1988 metais gruodžio mėnesį buvo atkurtas Lietuvos Tautinis Olimpinis Komitetas (L.T.O.K.). Komitetas šalies miestuose turėjo savo padalinius. Atstovaudami kultūrizmo sportą, Vilniuje ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS buvo įtrauktas L.T.O.K. nariu, o Klaipėdoje Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS tapo L.T.O.K. miesto padalinio nariu. „Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedijoje“ („World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма») aprašydami po 1988 metų sekusią tolimesnę L.T.O.K. veiklą (1988 – 1991 m.), pateiksime faktus, kas ir kaip iš kultūristų realiai prisidėjo prie L.T.O.K. atkūrimo – ne tik fotografavosi, bet skynė L.T.O.K. kelius pasaulyje realiais darbais.
1988 metais Čekoslovakijos TSR (Č.S.S.R.) bei V.D.R. (G.D.R., German Democratic Republic) vyko eilė tarptautinių turnyrų. Pirmą kartą su oficialiais raštiškais „Lietuvos TSR sporto komiteto“ („Sport Committe of the Lithuanian SSR“, «Комитет физкультуры и спорта Литовской ССР») įgaliojimais Lietuvos TSR nacionalinę rintinę tradicinėse „Sandow“ ir „Trener“ varžybose Čekoslovakijoje atstovavo Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS bei ARŪNAS PETRAITIS. Šie abu oficialūs Lietuvos TSR kultūrizmo atstovai nė sapne nesapnavo, kad minėtas „Lietuvos TSR sporto komiteto“ įgaliojimas skels tokį pavydą ir neapykantą iš Kauno miesto kultūrizmo vadovų pusės. Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS bei ARŪNAS PETRAITIS išėjo pasivaikščioti ir atsitiktinai atsidūrė po Kauno miesto kultūrizmo vadovų atidarytu viešbučio langu. Nuo to, ką jie išgirdo kauniečius kalbant, abiems ausys nulinko...
1988 metų „Sandow“ varžybose kategorijų nugalėtojais tapo: moterų kultūrizmas – V.D.R. atstovė LIUKS SIBILA (Lux Sybilla, G.D.R., German Democratic Republic), SUKUPOVA EVA (Č.S.S.R.), o vyrų kategorijose: BORAS PETERIS (Boar Petr, Č.S.S.R.), FARKALAS ZDENEKAS (Farkal Zdenek, Č.S.S.R.), TURTURAS JOZEFAS (Turturo Josef, G.D.R.) ir VRABELIS ROMANAS (Vrabel Roman, Č.S.S.R.).
„Trener“ turnyro kategorijų nugalėtojais tapo čekoslovakai ROMANAS VRABELIS, PAVOLAS JABLONICKIS (Pavol Jablonicky), JIRI MRAČEKAS (Jiri Mraček), ROLANDAS BUČINSKAS (Lietuvos TSR). Absoliučiu nugalėtoju pripažintas PAVOLAS JABLONICKIS.
1988 metais Lietuvos TSR sportininkai dalyvavo Č.S.S.R. ir antraeilėse varžybose. „Stribro Cup“ savo kategorijoje pirmą vietą pelnė ZIGMAS PRELGAUSKAS, o varžybose „Tatrų taurė“ kategorijoje pirmą vietą pelnė ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS.
1988 metais įvairių T.S.R.S. Respublikų kultūrizmo atstovai dalyvavo tarptautinėse „Berlyno meška“ („Berliner Baren Pokal“) varžybose V.D.R. sostinėje Berlyne. T.S.R.S. Oficialiais atstovais buvo Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS ir ALTAFAS GALEJEVAS (Альтаф Галеев, R.T.F.S.R.). Visose kategorijose nugalėtojais tapo vokiečiai: moterų kultūrizme KLARA JUHUS (Klara Juhusz), o vyrų kategorijose – BURKLAFAS ŠAIBĖ (Burklaf Scheibe), PETERIS CIMERMANAS (Peter Zimmermann), MARTINAS UNLMANAS (Martin Unlmann), FRANKAS HAINEMANAS (Frank Heinemann).
Pirmą kartą po kultūrizmo draudimo ir persekiojimo 1988 metais Leningrade (R.T.F.S.R.) vyko oficialios „T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo taurės“ pirmenybės, kurias rėmė „T.S.R.S. sporto ministerija“. Varžybose dalyvavo 69 kultūristai iš 11 Sąjunginių Respublikų.
(kiekvienos kategorijos tik pirmos šešios vietos)
Pirma svorio kategorija
1. POLIAKOVAS STANISLAVAS (Поляков Станислав, Latvijos TSR)
2. ŠILA NIKOLAJUS (Шила Николай, Baltarusijos TSR)
4. FATEJEVAS GRIGORIJUS (Фатеев Григорий, R.T.F.S.R.)
5. GORELIKAS EUGENIJUS (Горелик Евгений, Lietuvos TSR)
6. ŠKARUBO VLADIMIRAS (Шкарубо Владимир, Baltarusijos TSR)
Antra svorio kategorija
1. BOGDANOVIČIUS VALERIJUS (Богданович Валерий, Baltarusijos TSR)
2. ALEKSANDROVIČIUS VLADIMIRAS (Александрович Владимир, Baltarusijos TSR)
5. IVANIUKAS ALEKSANDRAS (Иванюк Александр, R.T.F.S.R.)
6. JASINIVSKIS NIKOLAJUS (Ясиновский Николай, R.T.F.S.R.)
Trečia svorio kategorija
3. TARASEVIČIUS ALEKSANDRAS (Тарасевич Александр, R.T.F.S.R.)
4. FEDIUKAS VLADIMIRAS (Федюк Владимир, Baltarusijos TSR)
5. MOSALIOVAS GEORGIJUS (Мосалёв Георгий, R.T.F.S.R.)
6. GANINAS SERGEJUS (Ганин Сергей, Ukrainos TSR)
Ketvirta svorio kategorija
2. VASINAS ALEKSANDRAS (Васин Александр, R.T.F.R.S.)
3. VELIKOIVANENKO BORISAS (Великоиваненко Борис, R.T.F.S.R.)
4. MASLOVAS OLEGAS (Маслов Олег, R.T.F.S.R.)
5. ZAICEVAS SERGEJUS (Зайцев Сергей, R.T.F.S.R.)
Absoliutus nugalėtojas VIKTORAS JUCYS.
Detali informacija tarptautiniame puslapyje
Bodybuilding in Socialist countries faced new horisons when in 1987 was created the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Федерация культуизма С.С.С.Р.»). The prohibition and the prosecution of bodybuilding ended. Socialist Republics started organizing many bodybuilding competitions. U.S.S.R. bodybuilders were invited to contests of various countries.
No doubt – in 1988 the most important bodybuilding contest was the first official „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Cup“ («Кубок С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). It was recognized and supported by the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ («Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р.»). 69 bodybuilders representing 13 Socialist Republics took part at the event. The competition was held in the still today prestigeous Leningrad Palace „Oktiabrskij“ (дворец „Октябрьский», Ленинград). The Category Winners were: STANISLAV POLIAKOV (Станислав Поляков, Riga, Latvian SSR, trainer FELIKS SAJKOVSKJ, Феликс Сайковский); VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC (Валерий Богданович, Minsk, Belorussian SSR, no trainer); SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR, no trainer); VIKTORAS JUCYS (Klaipeda, Lithuanian SSR, trainer DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS). The title of the Over All Winner went to VIKTORAS JUCYS. Since that time he holds the title „Mister Absoliutus S.S.S.R.“ («Мистер Абсолютус С.С.С.Р.»). His trainer DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded with the Special Diploma of the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“. All Category Winners received the degrees of the “U.S.S.R. Sport Master” («Мастер спорта С.С.С.Р.»).
The I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) President BEN WEIDER was present at the contest. He spoke very positivelly about VIKTORAS JUCYS then. BEN WEIDER invited all Category Winners to the 1988 I.F.B.B. World Championships in Australia. The special conference was organized fro BEN WEIDER to communicate with the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders. On the top of the stage sat BEN WEIDER and DSc. EEDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, as he was the only one among the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders and officials to know foreign languages. Bodybuilders asked questions and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS translated them. Finally when questions ended the conference looked as a dialoque only of BEN WEIDER and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS.
Some words on the topic. During the last years appeared „new International federations“ which cheat bodybuilders and lie to them. These „federations“ have no value to the official sport of bodybuilding. They are not recognized by any International Organization. In all the World only Governments of former Socialist and Asia Countries use to support and finance National Federations of I.F.B.B.. Earlier this was because of the I.F.B.B. membership in the G.A.I.S.F. (“General Association of International Sports Federations”). Now it is because of I.F.B.B. being a W.A.D.A. (“World Anti – Doping Agency”) member. Due to the efforts of American BOB HOFFMAN since 1947 until 1969 World‘s bodybuilding was rulled by F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile). Then bodybuilding was an officially recognized and respected sport as the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). BOB HOFFMAN seeked bodybuilding to be an Olympic sport. In 1970 F.I.H.C. Secretary OSCAR STATE and WEIDER brothers BEN and JOE created the I.F.B.B. federation in Belgrade (Yugoslavia). In 1971 I.F.B.B. became a member of the G.A.I.S.F.. When I.O.C. refused to support the I.F.B.B. in 1998, WEIDER brothers sold the I.F.B.B. federation and magazines. Contemporary I.F.B.B. President RAFAEL SANTONJA ruined I.F.B.B. officiality after this I.F.B.B. two times was split. In 2022 W.A.D.A. refused to work with I.F.B.B. any longer. This is I.F.B.B.. If we speak about other “federations” we can see only humor and nothing more…
In 1988 the first „U.S.S.R. Junior Bodybuilding Championship“ («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р. среди юниоров») was organized in Charkov (Ukrainian SSR). Bodybuilders of 8 Socialist Republics took part at the event. At the same time the Committee of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ had a meeting in Charkov too. U.S.S.R. bodybuilders got rid of the decades lasting influence of the U.S.S.R. weightlifters. The President of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ Olympic Champion JURIJ VLASOV (Юрий Власов) informed that he was leaving the federation. At the same time Secretary of the federation VALERIJ TAMARLAKOV (Валерий Тамарлаков) was thrown out as nobody of bodybuilders trusted him. The new President of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ became VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ (Василий Чайковский). Confrontation between JURIJ VLASOV and Leningrad bodybuilding officials started in 1987. As the long lasting Chairman of the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002 m.) wrote to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS – JURIJ VLASOV wanted to organize a great International bodybuilding contest in Moscow in 1987. The venue, the medals and posters were printed, bodybuilders were invited and the U.S.S.R. Central Television agreed to meke a report of the competition. But Leningrad officials VLADIMIR DUBININ and VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ were against the contest in Moscow. Supported by the Deputy Chairman of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS they organized the 1987 „White Nights“ («Белые ночи») in Leningrad. This smashed the plans of JURIJ VLASOV. He was deeply offended.
In 1988 an International Contest of women bodybuilders was organized. The Category Winners were representatives of the Lithuanian SSR: NATALIJA DUCHOVIC (Murnikoviene, Наталия Духович), AUSRA SALOMSKAITE, INGA MISEVIČIENE.
In 1988 the I.F.B.B. World Championship was held in Australia. The U.S.S.R. bodybuilders participated at such level the first time. In Australia the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ became a member of the I.F.B.B.. All Winners of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Cup“ were included to the team. Among them two representatives of the Lithuanian SSR – VIKTORAS JUCYS and SAULIUS MISEVICIUS. They trained in Moscow. Thgether with bodybuilders the delegation of the U.S.S.R. officials went to Australia too. The Deputy Chairman of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS learned that he was not included to the delegation to Australia. ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS was responsible for passports and visas for the bodybuilders of the Lithuanian SSR. Being angry he kept the passports with him and bodybuilders could not fly to Australia. They were left in Moscow... Having no Lithuanians on board the U.S.S.R. team was of STANISLAV POLIAKOV, VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC, ALEKSANDR VASIN (Александр Васин). The U.S.S.R. bodybuilders did not place high at the World Championshgip then.
The old tradition of the „Amber Prix International“ («Янтарный приз», „Gintarinis prizas“, 1968 – 2023) did not stop. Chairmen of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ spoke that there is no more need of the „Amber Prix International“ as the U.S.S.R. was participating at the I.F.B.B. World and Europe Championships and it had the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ as well. At the 1988 „Amber Prix International“ participated 112 bodybuilders that represented 9 Socialist Republics. By gradation „Amber Prix International“ was at the second place after the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ in the U.S.S.R.. The Category Winners in 1988 were: Juniors - VIRGINIJUS TVARIONAS, ROBERTAS BALINSKAS (both Lithuanian SSR), ANDREJ VOJTOVIC (Андрей Войтович, Belorussian SSR), BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO (Борис Великоиваненко, R.S.F.S.R.) and main Categories – NIKOLAJ MALYSEV (Николай Малышев, R.S.F.S.R.), ZIGMAS PRELGAUSKAS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS, VIKTORAS JUCYS (all Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winners were BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO and VIKTORAS JUCYS.
To celebrate 70 years of Comsomol City Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) organized traditional „Comsomol Cup“ («Кубок комсомола», „Komjaunimo taure“). Comsomol Committee of Kaunas helped to invite the bodybuilders from Czechoslovakian SSR (C.S.S.R.) and D.D.R. (German Democratic Republic). The Category Winners were VLADAS KAPCEVICIUS and RAIMUNDAS IVANAISKAS (both Lithuanian SSR). At the same time the „Over All Winner‘s Cup“ («Кубок абсолютных чемпионов») was held too. The Over All Winner was ALEKSANDR TARASEVIC (Александр Тарасевич, R.S.F.S.R.).
In 1988 West German bodybuilders participated at the International Contest in Riga (Latvian SSR). This was the first time when after the “Iron Wall” period the “West” sportsmen came to the U.S.S.R.. Germans and Latvians were the first in bodybuilding to break the “Iron Wall” which was between the Socialist and the “West” Worlds. Athletes from Estonian SSR, West Germany, Ukrainian SSR, Lithuanian SSR and Latvian SSR took part in the Riga event. The best among the Germans was the Senior Europe Champion HEINZ HORLING and the best among the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders was Latvian STANISLAV POLIAKOV.
In 1988 a number of International bodybuilding Contests were held in the C.S.S.R. and D.D.R.. Having written confirmation of the „Ministry Soport of the Lithuanian SSR“ («Комитет физкультуры и спорта Литовской ССР») the National Team to „Sandow“ and „Trener“ contests was led by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and ARUNAS PETRAITIS.
Category Winners at the1988 „Sandow“ competition were: women bodybuilding –LUX SYBILLA (G.D.R., German Democratic Republic), SUKUPOVA EVA (C.S.S.R.) and Men Categories: BOAR PETER (C.S.S.R.), FARKAL ZDENEK (C.S.S.R.), TURTURO JOZEF (G.D.R.) and VRABEL ROMAN (C.S.S.R.).
Category Winners at the „Trener“ contest were representatives of the Czechoslovakian SSR ROMAN VRABEL, PAVOL JABLONICKY, JIRI MRACEK and ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS (Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winner was PAVOL JABLONICKY.
In 1988 at not so great contests of Czechoslovakian SSR „Stribro Cup“ Category Winner were U.S.S.R. bodybuilders ZIGMAS PRALGAUSKAS and at „Tatra Cup“ ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS.
U.S.S.R. bodybuilders took part at the „Berliner Baren Pokal“ International Contest in East Berlin (G.D.R.). the U.S.S.R. Officials were DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and ALTAF GELEJEV (). All Category Winners were from G.D.R.: women bodybuilding - KLARA JUHUSZ and in Men Categories – BURKLAF SCHEIBE, PETER CIMMERMANN, MARTIN UNLMANN, FRANK HEINEMANN.
At the Competition participeted 112 bodybuilders representing 9 Countries: Lithuanian SSR, Belorussian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, Tadzikistan SSR, Kazachstan SSR, Moldavian SSR.
First Weight Category
2. KASAPOV FIODOR (Кашапов Фёдор, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. IBRAGIMOV RENAT (Ибрагимов Ренат, R.S.F.S.R.)
Second Weight Category
2. JUCHIMENKO DENIS (Юхименко Денис, Estonian SSR)
3. IVANOV IVAN (Иванов Иван, R.S.F.S.R.)
Third Weight Category
1. VOJTOVIC ANDREJ (Войтович Андрей, Belorussian SSR)
3. POCIUS DARIUS (Lithuanian SSR)
Fourth Weight Category
1. VELIKOIVANENKO BORIS (Великоиваненко Борис, R.S.F.S.R.)
Main Categories
First Weight Category
1. MALYSEV NIKOLAJ (Малышев Николай, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. TUZOV SERGEJ (Тузов Сергей, R.S.F.S.R.)
Second Weight Category
2. KOLESNIKOV STAS (Колесников Стас, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. JAKOVLEV ALEKSANDR (Яковлев Александр, R.S.F.S.R.)
Third Weight Category
2. RAJEV BORIS (Раев Борис, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. LEJMAN VLADIMIR (Лейман Владимир, R.S.F.S.R.)
Fourth Weight Category
1. JUCYS VIKTORAS (Lithuanian SSR)
Over All Winners: Juniors – BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO, main categories – VIKTORAS JUCYS.
FULL ARTICLE and detailed information is on Global Page
Bodybuilding in Socialist countries faced new horisons when in 1987 was created the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Федерация культуизма С.С.С.Р.»). The prohibition and the prosecution of bodybuilding ended. Socialist Republics started organizing many bodybuilding competitions. U.S.S.R. bodybuilders were invited to contests of various countries.
No doubt – in 1988 the most important bodybuilding contest was the first official „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Cup“ («Кубок С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). It was recognized and supported by the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ («Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р.»). 69 bodybuilders representing 13 Socialist Republics took part at the event. The competition was held in the still today prestigeous Leningrad Palace „Oktiabrskij“ (дворец „Октябрьский», Ленинград). The Category Winners were: STANISLAV POLIAKOV (Станислав Поляков, Riga, Latvian SSR, trainer FELIKS SAJKOVSKJ, Феликс Сайковский); VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC (Валерий Богданович, Minsk, Belorussian SSR, no trainer); SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR, no trainer); VIKTORAS JUCYS (Klaipeda, Lithuanian SSR, trainer DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS). The title of the Over All Winner went to VIKTORAS JUCYS. Since that time he holds the title „Mister Absoliutus S.S.S.R.“ («Мистер Абсолютус С.С.С.Р.»). His trainer DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded with the Special Diploma of the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“. All Category Winners received the degrees of the “U.S.S.R. Sport Master” («Мастер спорта С.С.С.Р.»).
The I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) President BEN WEIDER was present at the contest. He spoke very positivelly about VIKTORAS JUCYS then. BEN WEIDER invited all Category Winners to the 1988 I.F.B.B. World Championships in Australia. The special conference was organized fro BEN WEIDER to communicate with the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders. On the top of the stage sat BEN WEIDER and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, as he was the only one among the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders and officials to know foreign languages. Bodybuilders asked questions and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS translated them. Finally when questions ended the conference looked as a dialoque only of BEN WEIDER and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS.
Some words on the topic. During the last years appeared „new International federations“ which cheat bodybuilders and lie to them. These „federations“ have no value to the official sport of bodybuilding. They are not recognized by any International Organization. In all the World only Governments of former Socialist and Asia Countries use to support and finance National Federations of I.F.B.B.. Earlier this was because of the I.F.B.B. membership in the G.A.I.S.F. (“General Association of International Sports Federations”). Now it is because of I.F.B.B. being a W.A.D.A. (“World Anti – Doping Agency”) member. Due to the efforts of American BOB HOFFMAN since 1947 until 1969 World‘s bodybuilding was rulled by F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile). Then bodybuilding was an officially recognized and respected sport as the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). BOB HOFFMAN seeked bodybuilding to be an Olympic sport. In 1970 F.I.H.C. Secretary OSCAR STATE and WEIDER brothers BEN and JOE created the I.F.B.B. federation in Belgrade (Yugoslavia). In 1971 I.F.B.B. became a member of the G.A.I.S.F.. When I.O.C. refused to support the I.F.B.B. in 1998, WEIDER brothers sold the I.F.B.B. federation and magazines. Contemporary I.F.B.B. President RAFAEL SANTONJA ruined I.F.B.B. officiality after this I.F.B.B. two times was split. In 2022 W.A.D.A. refused to work with I.F.B.B. any longer. This is I.F.B.B.. If we speak about other “federations” we can see only humor and nothing more…
In 1988 the first „U.S.S.R. Junior Bodybuilding Championship“ («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р. среди юниоров») was organized in Charkov (Ukrainian SSR). Bodybuilders of 8 Socialist Republics took part at the event. At the same time the Committee of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ had a meeting in Charkov too. U.S.S.R. bodybuilders got rid of the decades lasting influence of the U.S.S.R. weightlifters. The President of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ Olympic Champion JURIJ VLASOV (Юрий Власов) informed that he was leaving the federation. At the same time Secretary of the federation VALERIJ TAMARLAKOV (Валерий Тамарлаков) was thrown out as nobody of bodybuilders trusted him. The new President of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ became VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ (Василий Чайковский). Confrontation between JURIJ VLASOV and Leningrad bodybuilding officials started in 1987. As the long lasting Chairman of the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002 m.) wrote to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS – JURIJ VLASOV wanted to organize a great International bodybuilding contest in Moscow in 1987. The venue, the medals and posters were printed, bodybuilders were invited and the U.S.S.R. Central Television agreed to meke a report of the competition. But Leningrad officials VLADIMIR DUBININ and VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ were against the contest in Moscow. Supported by the Deputy Chairman of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS they organized the 1987 „White Nights“ («Белые ночи») in Leningrad. This smashed the plans of JURIJ VLASOV. He was deeply offended.
In 1988 an International Contest of women bodybuilders was organized. The Category Winners were representatives of the Lithuanian SSR: NATALIJA DUCHOVIC (Murnikoviene, Наталия Духович), AUSRA SALOMSKAITE, INGA MISEVIČIENE.
In 1988 the I.F.B.B. World Championship was held in Australia. The U.S.S.R. bodybuilders participated at such level the first time. In Australia the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ became a member of the I.F.B.B.. All Winners of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Cup“ were included to the team. Among them two representatives of the Lithuanian SSR – VIKTORAS JUCYS and SAULIUS MISEVICIUS. They trained in Moscow. Thgether with bodybuilders the delegation of the U.S.S.R. officials went to Australia too. The Deputy Chairman of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS learned that he was not included to the delegation to Australia. ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS was responsible for passports and visas for the bodybuilders of the Lithuanian SSR. Being angry he kept the passports with him and bodybuilders could not fly to Australia. They were left in Moscow... Having no Lithuanians on board the U.S.S.R. team was of STANISLAV POLIAKOV, VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC, ALEKSANDR VASIN (Александр Васин). The U.S.S.R. bodybuilders did not place high at the World Championshgip then.
The old tradition of the „Amber Prix International“ («Янтарный приз», „Gintarinis prizas“, 1968 – 2023) did not stop. Chairmen of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ spoke that there is no more need of the „Amber Prix International“ as the U.S.S.R. was participating at the I.F.B.B. World and Europe Championships and it had the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ as well. At the 1988 „Amber Prix International“ participated 112 bodybuilders that represented 9 Socialist Republics. By gradation „Amber Prix International“ was at the second place after the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ in the U.S.S.R.. The Category Winners in 1988 were: Juniors - VIRGINIJUS TVARIONAS, ROBERTAS BALINSKAS (both Lithuanian SSR), ANDREJ VOJTOVIC (Андрей Войтович, Belorussian SSR), BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO (Борис Великоиваненко, R.S.F.S.R.) and main Categories – NIKOLAJ MALYSEV (Николай Малышев, R.S.F.S.R.), ZIGMAS PRELGAUSKAS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS, VIKTORAS JUCYS (all Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winners were BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO and VIKTORAS JUCYS.
To celebrate 70 years of Comsomol City Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) organized traditional „Comsomol Cup“ («Кубок комсомола», „Komjaunimo taure“). Comsomol Committee of Kaunas helped to invite the bodybuilders from Czechoslovakian SSR (C.S.S.R.) and D.D.R. (German Democratic Republic). The Category Winners were VLADAS KAPCEVICIUS and RAIMUNDAS IVANAISKAS (both Lithuanian SSR). At the same time the „Over All Winner‘s Cup“ («Кубок абсолютных чемпионов») was held too. The Over All Winner was ALEKSANDR TARASEVIC (Александр Тарасевич, R.S.F.S.R.).
In 1988 West German bodybuilders participated at the International Contest in Riga (Latvian SSR). This was the first time when after the “Iron Wall” period the “West” sportsmen came to the U.S.S.R.. Germans and Latvians were the first in bodybuilding to break the “Iron Wall” which was between the Socialist and the “West” Worlds. Athletes from Estonian SSR, West Germany, Ukrainian SSR, Lithuanian SSR and Latvian SSR took part in the Riga event. The best among the Germans was the Senior Europe Champion HEINZ HORLING and the best among the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders was Latvian STANISLAV POLIAKOV.
In 1988 a number of International bodybuilding Contests were held in the C.S.S.R. and D.D.R.. Having written confirmation of the „Ministry Soport of the Lithuanian SSR“ («Комитет физкультуры и спорта Литовской ССР») the National Team to „Sandow“ and „Trener“ contests was led by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and ARUNAS PETRAITIS.
Category Winners at the1988 „Sandow“ competition were: women bodybuilding –LUX SYBILLA (G.D.R., German Democratic Republic), SUKUPOVA EVA (C.S.S.R.) and Men Categories: BOAR PETER (C.S.S.R.), FARKAL ZDENEK (C.S.S.R.), TURTURO JOZEF (G.D.R.) and VRABEL ROMAN (C.S.S.R.).
Category Winners at the „Trener“ contest were representatives of the Czechoslovakian SSR ROMAN VRABEL, PAVOL JABLONICKY, JIRI MRACEK and ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS (Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winner was PAVOL JABLONICKY.
In 1988 at not so great contests of Czechoslovakian SSR „Stribro Cup“ Category Winner were U.S.S.R. bodybuilders ZIGMAS PRALGAUSKAS and at „Tatra Cup“ ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS.
U.S.S.R. bodybuilders took part at the „Berliner Baren Pokal“ International Contest in East Berlin (G.D.R.). the U.S.S.R. Officials were DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and ALTAF GELEJEV (). All Category Winners were from G.D.R.: women bodybuilding - KLARA JUHUSZ and in Men Categories – BURKLAF SCHEIBE, PETER CIMMERMANN, MARTIN UNLMANN, FRANK HEINEMANN.
First time after bodybuilding prohibition the bodybuilding Contest was recognized by the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“. At the contest participated 69 bodybuilders from 11 countries.
(only first six places)
First Weight Category.
1. POLIAKOV STANISLAV (Поляков Станислав, Latvian SSR)
2. SILA NIKOLAJ (Шила Николай, Belorussian SSR)
4. FATEJEV GRIGORIJ (Фатеев Георгий, R.S.F.S.R.)
5. GORELIK EUGENE (Горелик Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)
6. SKARUBO VLADIMIR (Шкарубо Владимир, Belorussian SSR)
Second Weight Category
1. BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ (Богданович Валерий, Belorussian SSR)
2. ALEKSANDROVIC VLADIMIR (Александрович Владимир, Belorussian SSR)
5. IVANIUK ALEKSANDR (Иванюк Александр, R.S.F.S.R.)
6. JASINIVSKIJ NIKOLAJ (Ясиновский Николай, R.S.F.S.R.)
Third Weight Category
3. TARASEVIC ALEKSANDR (Тарасевич Александр, R.S.F.S.R.)
4. FEDIUK VLADIMIR (Федюк Владимир, Belorussian SSR)
5. MOSALIOV GEORGIJ (Мосалёв Георгий, R.S.F.S.R.)
6. GANIN SERGEJ (Ганин Сергей, Ukrainian SSR)
Fourth Weight Category
1. JUCYS VIKTORAS (Lithuanian SSR)
2. VASIN ALEKSANDR (Васин Александр, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. VELIKOIVANENKO BORIS (Великоиваненко Борис, R.S.F.S.R.)
4. MASLOV OLEG (Маслов Олег, R.S.F.S.R.)
5. ZAICEV SERGEJ (Зайцев Сергей, R.S.F.S.R.)
Over All Champion VIKTORAS JUCYS.
FULL ARTICLE and detailed information is on Global Page
Working since 1968 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Bodybuilding Federation) International today unites 140 Countries from all Continents. Since 2012 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International world on the unique project – “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” («Всемирная энциклопедия культуризма»).
One of the parts of the Encyclopedia will cover the history of bodybuilding in the USA. During the last several years the N.P.C. (“National Physique Committee”) started to be active in various Countries.
We will give answers to the following questions:
- How in 1983 appeared N.P.C.?
- Why N.P.C. left A.A.U. (“Amateur Athletic Union”) in 1983? A.A.U. was created in 1888 and was recognized by the USA Olympic Committee.
- What is the juridical status of N.P.C.? Is it a sport organization or private company?
- Why N.P.C. is not supported by the USA Government?
- Why no International Organizations support N.P.C.?
- What kind of “carnavals” are the N.P.C. “Sport Festivals?
You will be shocked when You will get the answers. Why bodybuilders of various Countries are cheated so easy and so easy trust unbelievable matters?
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.), W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
Bodybuilding in Socialist countries faced new horisons when in 1987 was created the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Федерация культуизма С.С.С.Р.»). The prohibition and the prosecution of bodybuilding ended. Socialist Republics started organizing many bodybuilding competitions. U.S.S.R. bodybuilders were invited to contests of various countries.
No doubt – in 1988 the most important bodybuilding contest was the first official „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Cup“ («Кубок С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). It was recognized and supported by the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ («Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р.»). 69 bodybuilders representing 13 Socialist Republics took part at the event. The competition was held in the still today prestigeous Leningrad Palace „Oktiabrskij“ (дворец „Октябрьский», Ленинград). The Category Winners were: STANISLAV POLIAKOV (Станислав Поляков, Riga, Latvian SSR, trainer FELIKS SAJKOVSKJ, Феликс Сайковский); VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC (Валерий Богданович, Minsk, Belorussian SSR, no trainer); SAULIUS MISEVICIUS (Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR, no trainer); VIKTORAS JUCYS (Klaipeda, Lithuanian SSR, trainer DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS). The title of the Over All Winner went to VIKTORAS JUCYS. Since that time he holds the title „Mister Absoliutus S.S.S.R.“ («Мистер Абсолютус С.С.С.Р.»). His trainer DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded with the Special Diploma of the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“. All Category Winners received the degrees of the “U.S.S.R. Sport Master” («Мастер спорта С.С.С.Р.»).
The I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) President BEN WEIDER was present at the contest. He spoke very positivelly about VIKTORAS JUCYS then. BEN WEIDER invited all Category Winners to the 1988 I.F.B.B. World Championships in Australia. The special conference was organized fro BEN WEIDER to communicate with the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders. On the top of the stage sat BEN WEIDER and DSc. EEDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, as he was the only one among the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders and officials to know foreign languages. Bodybuilders asked questions and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS translated them. Finally when questions ended the conference looked as a dialoque only of BEN WEIDER and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS.
Some words on the topic. During the last years appeared „new International federations“ which cheat bodybuilders and lie to them. These „federations“ have no value to the official sport of bodybuilding. They are not recognized by any International Organization. In all the World only Governments of former Socialist and Asia Countries use to support and finance National Federations of I.F.B.B.. Earlier this was because of the I.F.B.B. membership in the G.A.I.S.F. (“General Association of International Sports Federations”). Now it is because of I.F.B.B. being a W.A.D.A. (“World Anti – Doping Agency”) member. Due to the efforts of American BOB HOFFMAN since 1947 until 1969 World‘s bodybuilding was rulled by F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile). Then bodybuilding was an officially recognized and respected sport as the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). BOB HOFFMAN seeked bodybuilding to be an Olympic sport. In 1970 F.I.H.C. Secretary OSCAR STATE and WEIDER brothers BEN and JOE created the I.F.B.B. federation in Belgrade (Yugoslavia). In 1971 I.F.B.B. became a member of the G.A.I.S.F.. When I.O.C. refused to support the I.F.B.B. in 1998, WEIDER brothers sold the I.F.B.B. federation and magazines. Contemporary I.F.B.B. President RAFAEL SANTONJA ruined I.F.B.B. officiality after this I.F.B.B. two times was split. In 2022 W.A.D.A. refused to work with I.F.B.B. any longer. This is I.F.B.B.. If we speak about other “federations” we can see only humor and nothing more…
In 1988 the first „U.S.S.R. Junior Bodybuilding Championship“ («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р. среди юниоров») was organized in Charkov (Ukrainian SSR). Bodybuilders of 8 Socialist Republics took part at the event. At the same time the Committee of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ had a meeting in Charkov too. U.S.S.R. bodybuilders got rid of the decades lasting influence of the U.S.S.R. weightlifters. The President of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ Olympic Champion JURIJ VLASOV (Юрий Власов) informed that he was leaving the federation. At the same time Secretary of the federation VALERIJ TAMARLAKOV (Валерий Тамарлаков) was thrown out as nobody of bodybuilders trusted him. The new President of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ became VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ (Василий Чайковский). Confrontation between JURIJ VLASOV and Leningrad bodybuilding officials started in 1987. As the long lasting Chairman of the National Bodybuilding Federation of the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002 m.) wrote to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS – JURIJ VLASOV wanted to organize a great International bodybuilding contest in Moscow in 1987. The venue, the medals and posters were printed, bodybuilders were invited and the U.S.S.R. Central Television agreed to meke a report of the competition. But Leningrad officials VLADIMIR DUBININ and VASILIJ CAIKOVSKIJ were against the contest in Moscow. Supported by the Deputy Chairman of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS they organized the 1987 „White Nights“ («Белые ночи») in Leningrad. This smashed the plans of JURIJ VLASOV. He was deeply offended.
In 1988 an International Contest of women bodybuilders was organized. The Category Winners were representatives of the Lithuanian SSR: NATALIJA DUCHOVIC (Murnikoviene, Наталия Духович), AUSRA SALOMSKAITE, INGA MISEVIČIENE.
In 1988 the I.F.B.B. World Championship was held in Australia. The U.S.S.R. bodybuilders participated at such level the first time. In Australia the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ became a member of the I.F.B.B.. All Winners of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Cup“ were included to the team. Among them two representatives of the Lithuanian SSR – VIKTORAS JUCYS and SAULIUS MISEVICIUS. They trained in Moscow. Thgether with bodybuilders the delegation of the U.S.S.R. officials went to Australia too. The Deputy Chairman of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS learned that he was not included to the delegation to Australia. ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS was responsible for passports and visas for the bodybuilders of the Lithuanian SSR. Being angry he kept the passports with him and bodybuilders could not fly to Australia. They were left in Moscow... Having no Lithuanians on board the U.S.S.R. team was of STANISLAV POLIAKOV, VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC, ALEKSANDR VASIN (Александр Васин). The U.S.S.R. bodybuilders did not place high at the World Championshgip then.
The old tradition of the „Amber Prix International“ («Янтарный приз», „Gintarinis prizas“, 1968 – 2023) did not stop. Chairmen of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ spoke that there is no more need of the „Amber Prix International“ as the U.S.S.R. was participating at the I.F.B.B. World and Europe Championships and it had the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ as well. At the 1988 „Amber Prix International“ participated 112 bodybuilders that represented 9 Socialist Republics. By gradation „Amber Prix International“ was at the second place after the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ in the U.S.S.R.. The Category Winners in 1988 were: Juniors - VIRGINIJUS TVARIONAS, ROBERTAS BALINSKAS (both Lithuanian SSR), ANDREJ VOJTOVIC (Андрей Войтович, Belorussian SSR), BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO (Борис Великоиваненко, R.S.F.S.R.) and main Categories – NIKOLAJ MALYSEV (Николай Малышев, R.S.F.S.R.), ZIGMAS PRELGAUSKAS, SAULIUS MISEVICIUS, VIKTORAS JUCYS (all Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winners were BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO and VIKTORAS JUCYS.
To celebrate 70 years of Comsomol City Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) organized traditional „Comsomol Cup“ («Кубок комсомола», „Komjaunimo taure“). Comsomol Committee of Kaunas helped to invite the bodybuilders from Czechoslovakian SSR (C.S.S.R.) and D.D.R. (German Democratic Republic). The Category Winners were VLADAS KAPCEVICIUS and RAIMUNDAS IVANAISKAS (both Lithuanian SSR). At the same time the „Over All Winner‘s Cup“ («Кубок абсолютных чемпионов») was held too. The Over All Winner was ALEKSANDR TARASEVIC (Александр Тарасевич, R.S.F.S.R.).
In 1988 West German bodybuilders participated at the International Contest in Riga (Latvian SSR). This was the first time when after the “Iron Wall” period the “West” sportsmen came to the U.S.S.R.. Germans and Latvians were the first in bodybuilding to break the “Iron Wall” which was between the Socialist and the “West” Worlds. Athletes from Estonian SSR, West Germany, Ukrainian SSR, Lithuanian SSR and Latvian SSR took part in the Riga event. The best among the Germans was the Senior Europe Champion HEINZ HORLING and the best among the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders was Latvian STANISLAV POLIAKOV.
In 1988 a number of International bodybuilding Contests were held in the C.S.S.R. and D.D.R.. Having written confirmation of the „Ministry Soport of the Lithuanian SSR“ («Комитет физкультуры и спорта Литовской ССР») the National Team to „Sandow“ and „Trener“ contests was led by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and ARUNAS PETRAITIS.
Category Winners at the1988 „Sandow“ competition were: women bodybuilding –LUX SYBILLA (G.D.R., German Democratic Republic), SUKUPOVA EVA (C.S.S.R.) and Men Categories: BOAR PETER (C.S.S.R.), FARKAL ZDENEK (C.S.S.R.), TURTURO JOZEF (G.D.R.) and VRABEL ROMAN (C.S.S.R.).
Category Winners at the „Trener“ contest were representatives of the Czechoslovakian SSR ROMAN VRABEL, PAVOL JABLONICKY, JIRI MRACEK and ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS (Lithuanian SSR). The Over All Winner was PAVOL JABLONICKY.
In 1988 at not so great contests of Czechoslovakian SSR „Stribro Cup“ Category Winner were U.S.S.R. bodybuilders ZIGMAS PRALGAUSKAS and at „Tatra Cup“ ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS.
U.S.S.R. bodybuilders took part at the „Berliner Baren Pokal“ International Contest in East Berlin (G.D.R.). the U.S.S.R. Officials were DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and ALTAF GELEJEV (). All Category Winners were from G.D.R.: women bodybuilding - KLARA JUHUSZ and in Men Categories – BURKLAF SCHEIBE, PETER CIMMERMANN, MARTIN UNLMANN, FRANK HEINEMANN.
At the Competition participeted 112 bodybuilders representing 9 Countries: Lithuanian SSR, Belorussian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, Tadzikistan SSR, Kazachstan SSR, Moldavian SSR.
First Weight Category
2. KASAPOV FIODOR (Кашапов Фёдор, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. IBRAGIMOV RENAT (Ибрагимов Ренат, R.S.F.S.R.)
Second Weight Category
2. JUCHIMENKO DENIS (Юхименко Денис, Estonian SSR)
3. IVANOV IVAN (Иванов Иван, R.S.F.S.R.)
Third Weight Category
1. VOJTOVIC ANDREJ (Войтович Андрей, Belorussian SSR)
3. POCIUS DARIUS (Lithuanian SSR)
Fourth Weight Category
1. VELIKOIVANENKO BORIS (Великоиваненко Борис, R.S.F.S.R.)
Main Categories
First Weight Category
1. MALYSEV NIKOLAJ (Малышев Николай, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. TUZOV SERGEJ (Тузов Сергей, R.S.F.S.R.)
Second Weight Category
2. KOLESNIKOV STAS (Колесников Стас, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. JAKOVLEV ALEKSANDR (Яковлев Александр, R.S.F.S.R.)
Third Weight Category
2. RAJEV BORIS (Раев Борис, R.S.F.S.R.)
3. LEJMAN VLADIMIR (Лейман Владимир, R.S.F.S.R.)
Fourth Weight Category
1. JUCYS VIKTORAS (Lithuanian SSR)
Over All Winners: Juniors – BORIS VELIKOIVANENKO, main categories – VIKTORAS JUCYS.
FULL ARTICLE and detailed information is on Global Page